Chapter 152 I'm afraid you're dying

No one in this interstellar dared to take his orders anymore. Those mechanical arms that did not do well were all smashed by him, and all the manufacturers were marked with prohibition signs by him. All the mechanics in the entire interstellar were unwilling to deal with him. In dealing with each other, Xia Xingxi, who was on the pole, came forward to die.

Then it will be good for her.

"Why don't you dare to come?" Xia Xingxi was not afraid, and sat down on the sofa with a smile: "Try it, if it's good, I will get more benefits."

Discuss benefits with him?
Bill's face darkened in an instant: "I'm afraid you're dying, you're dead!"

After speaking, he buckled the mechanical arm in front of the two of them. When the sound of the mechanical rotation stopped, Jonny subconsciously stood in front of Xia Xingxi. He was really afraid that the second brother would make a sudden move.

"Hey, you're blocking me from watching the excitement."

A woman's lazy voice came from behind, and Jonny Mei was about to explode with anger. Does this woman have no brains? How could she be so stupid? He is obviously protecting her!

Stupid woman!
Jonny gritted his teeth. Not only did he not let him go, but he also stared at the expression of his second brother. At this moment, Bill was expressionless.

Bill has always been expressionless, his face is dark and indifferent, and even Jonny can't tell whether the second brother is happy now or has the intention to kill, he can only be more vigilant, once the second brother makes a move , he took Xia Xingxi away first.

So time seemed to stand still at this moment, and there was only the slight sound of Bill turning his wrist, and the real fingers were clenched and opened. Against Bill's cold cheeks, there were traces of cold sharpness flowing from the metal.

Jonny was even more frightened. He was about to take Xia Xingxi away when he saw the woman behind him who had gotten up at some point and came slowly to Bill's side, with one hand on his second brother's icy shoulder, and said with a smile, "How is it? Isn’t it great? I said hello, it’s specially made for you, and it’s fine to drive Victoria!”

"Xia Xingxi!!"

Even Jonny was blown up at this moment, but someone ignored Jonny calmly and looked at Bill: "Handsome guy, do you want to try?"


The simulated fingers clasped Xia Xingxi's neck tightly, and Jonny's heart was about to jump out at that moment, he quickly stepped forward: "Second brother, don't, let her go!!"

"Get lost!" These words were said to Jonny, and it was obvious that the second brother's rage could be seen, the veins in his temples exploded, and the whole person was full of restrained anger.

"Xia Xingxi, are you an idiot!"

Jonny couldn't help yelling at Xia Xingxi: "It's useless even if you are number one in the world, a stupid woman is a stupid woman!"

Damn it, go to the pole to die by yourself, and mention Victoria, that's a no-no, you stupid woman!

Jonny was about to explode with anger, but Xia Xingxi, who had been pinned to death, could still laugh. She still stared at Bill without fear, put her finger on the mechanical arm around her neck, and stroked the artificial skin covering it. , the hands clasping his neck trembled slightly, and Bill's cold cheeks were tinged with a faint blush visible to the naked eye, like a spring peach blossoming, and it turned crimson in an instant.

Seeing this, Xia Xingxi smiled, like a little devil who has succeeded, his dark eyes were condensed and deep, as if he could swallow Bill.

So the little devil vowed: "Second brother, do you want me to accompany you to the mecha warehouse?"

(End of this chapter)

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