Chapter 157 You can't compete, why bother?
"It's been prepared a long time ago, and the drinks are also according to your order. The first 30 people are high-end, and the rest are based on the minimum consumption. You ordered so many things, we will definitely arrange them properly, don't worry!"

After checking and signing for the items, the staff went to work, staring at their backs, some of Xia Chen's jaws were about to drop.

what's the situation?Does this mean that thirty big figures plus ten thousand people will come?There is also a place to display mechas in the middle. Is there still mechas coming?

Where did Xingxing go to engage in people?

Not only Xia Chen has doubts, but Xia Chenguan is one head and two big. He stared blankly at the busy backs of the staff, and couldn't help complaining: "Xing Xing, I know you want to keep the family business, but there is no need Don't spend the money, it's not easy for your father to make money, so if no one comes after so many things, wouldn't it become the biggest joke of our Xia family?"

Xia Chenyou lost, this maintenance office is his own, and now there are so many people here, everyone has seen it, if this matter is spread after the merger, is he ashamed?
So Xia Chenguan said directly: "Xingxing, you can't compete with the second uncle, why bother?"

"Heh!" Xia Xingxi laughed, did she just stop pretending now?But what does it mean?
"Second Uncle, what's the rush? The day is not over yet. Let's count the number of people who came, so that you won't admit your losses when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking to him, and turned to help the staff with their work. Looking at her back, Xia Chenguan snorted in a very unhappy way: "What are you crying at night!"

While muttering, Xia Yueer ran over and said, "Dad, Mommy Wen is here!"

As soon as Wen Xinhong came, Xia Chenguan greeted him immediately with a smile on his face, this is his in-laws, and he is still a big shot today, Wen Xinhong is here, can Lou Zhanxiao not come?When Lou Zhanxiao came, Biying had to come, Xia Xingxi, there's really no need to organize your food for tens of thousands of people!
"Sister Wen!" Xia Chenguan went up to meet her, her face flushed, seeing her coming alone, she couldn't help but said, "Why didn't Lieutenant Lou come with you?"

"Hey, he said he's coming from school and he'll be here in a minute!"

That's it.

Xia Chen laughed more and more proudly: "Yue'er, take Sister Wen to the best position, and reserve the position of Lieutenant Lou, pull out the best mecha in our shop and do the aftermath of the performance first, and wait for the red sun to come Now, let’s perform with the mechs brought by a few chaebols to add to the fun!”

"Got it Dad!"

Xia's has been a chain store of mechas for hundreds of years, and there are many chaebols among the regular customers. Since they are old customers, it is not a big deal to bring their best mechas to entertain them. Are they all mechs from the underground arena?The mechs in the underground arena are also owned by chaebols. Now that the chaebols are all on their side, Xia Xingximao can't do it, absolutely!

Thinking about it, Xia Chenguan came to Xia Xingxi's place triumphantly, and while watching her arrangement, he deliberately said: "Xing Xing, how many mechas can the person who is looking for you to repair mechas bring? It's really not possible. Uncle’s side is full of chaebols, can I borrow two of you to support the scene?”

Xia Chen was stunned, and the corners of his eyes and brows were filled with uncontrollable pride. Behind him were the entire Blue Star plutocrats. Xia Xingxi, you little girl, what are you doing to fight me!
When she was proud, Xia Xingxi turned her head back calmly, her beautiful face raised a glamorous but sinister smile, she stared at Xia Chenguan with a half-smile, her tone was worse than his.

"Second Uncle should keep those rubbish for himself."

(End of this chapter)

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