Chapter 158 Do you know how ignorant you are?

Xia Chenguan suddenly felt slapped in the face, all the mechas he got were the best mechs in the hands of the chaebol, and this Xia Xingxi called it garbage?

The man pulled his face down on the spot and stared at Xia Xingxi fiercely.

And it just so happened that Xia Yueer had just welcomed a regular customer in the store for her father, the Wang family, one of the blue star chaebols. Xia Xingxi's words were also heard by Wang Mingyang. , Ignorance is terrible, if the chaebol's mechs are all rubbish, then what is a treasure?"

Seeing this, Xia Yue'er smiled apologetically and said, "Uncle Wang, don't worry about Xing Xing, she has never seen anything good, it must be some garbage from underground competitions."

"The underground arena?" Wang Mingyang curled his lips in disdain: "The ones there are rubbish. They are all mechas that the chaebol don't want to throw in to earn some money for maintenance."

As he said that, he looked at Xia Xingxi and said, "Although you are very ignorant, because Xia Chenguan is your second uncle, I will teach you a lesson today. The best mechas of Blue Star are all from the chaebol. What I brought today is Canglong, you know Canglong? The number one combat mech of the Blue Star Security Patrol Team, has repelled many interstellar pirates, and is a well-deserved Blue Star hero. This is the best mech. Today I will take Canglong Bring it here, to cheer up Boss Xia!"

Hearing that Wang Mingyang brought the Canglong, Xia Chen couldn't close his mouth when he laughed. It was really someone covering the quilt while sleeping. The mecha that Wang Mingyang brought was much better than the red sun mecha, it seems that there is no need to wait Alright, the heat today must be attributed to him, Xia Chen.

So he deliberately stared at Xia Xingxi and said: "President Wang loves me so much, I am worthy of it. Who has never heard of Canglong's name, the Blue Star, and the well-deserved number one Blue Star mecha!"

Xia Chenguan flattered her, her eyes were full of contempt for Xia Xingxi, and her face was full of securities.

But Wang Mingyang paused for a moment, and said, "I don't even have the Blue Star No. [-] mecha. The Blue Star No. [-] mecha is in the hands of the O'Neill family."

After saying this, several people were quiet, only Xia Chenguan murmured as if thinking of something: "Wang is talking about the military mech Victoria?"

"Yes, that is a mecha that has participated in the Star Beast Battle. It has excellent performance. At present, only the second young master of the O'Neill family can control it in the Federation, but..."

Wang Mingyang had a look of pity, but Xia Chenguan already knew what he was going to say.

"Yeah, it's a pity, it's just that the second young master is missing an arm. Victoria may be unmanned. No matter how powerful the unmanned mecha is, it's useless. In my opinion, Blue Star has to give way now. It has to be your Canglong, Mr. Wang!"

Wang Mingyang laughed loudly after a few words of praise, he turned to look at Xia Xingxi, and asked, "Little girl, do you know how ignorant I am?"

To think such a powerful Canglong as rubbish, hmph, I will let you learn a lot now!
I thought that Xia Xingxi would be shocked, and then she would worship herself, but who knew that the girl not only didn't react, but even yawned in front of her face: "It's over?"


Wang Ming was so angry that he was going to explode, what does this girl mean?Why are you so disdainful?
He gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect you to be so ignorant. Let me tell you, if you want to win Xia Chenguan today, unless you bring Victoria, you will lose! However, Victoria will not come , its driver is missing an arm, little girl, I advise you to know what is good or bad, before you are laughed at to death, you should bow your head and admit defeat!"

With Canglong here, all mechs here will be eclipsed. This ignorant kid is definitely doomed!
(End of this chapter)

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