After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 186 Do You Want To Make It Like An Affair?

Chapter 186 Do You Want To Make It Like An Affair?
"Dad, you are looking for me."

Xia Xingxi glanced at him. The man sat silently on the old sofa with a somewhat unhappy expression on his face. What's wrong?
She sat down quickly and stared at her father's face: "Are you unhappy?"

Xia Chenyou sighed, feeling that he couldn't get angry with his daughter after all, so he could only say: "Xing Xing, you...why did you get together with Lou Zhanxiao again? Aren't you two divorced? Still like him? To be honest, Dad doesn't want you to get back together, his mother treats you like that, Dad doesn't want you to go back and be wronged."


It turned out that it was because of this that she was unhappy, but when she thought that her own father also cared about her, Xia Xingxi laughed: "Dad, what are you thinking, you think too much."

"Thinking too much?" Xia Chen looked at her daughter suspiciously.

"Yes, yes, didn't you see him at the opening ceremony? Later, he was invited by the school to come to us as a guide for a year, so I still have to take his class. Of course, we must get along well, otherwise What if you don’t give me a higher education?”

In the final analysis, that is the ex-husband, ex-husband, maybe he will become an enemy, and the relationship is not bad now, so that's OK, isn't it?

Hearing that Xia Chen Youcai was stunned: "I see, but he has been helping you today, it feels like he..."

"No, I just helped his Bi Ying find out the faults that no one else could find, so as a deal, I asked him to come and support us."

"That's it."

Xia Chen became energetic when he heard Biying, and said with great interest, "Biying, you can find faults? Tell Dad, what's wrong."

"Oh, it feels a little uncoordinated. After checking, it turns out that the angle is off, and it's tilted a little."

Hearing this, Xia Chen laughed loudly: "As expected of my daughter, you are much more talented than your brother, you can see it just by looking, your intuition is really accurate!"

When doing maintenance, intuition is often more important than experience, but where does intuition come from, it still has to come from experience. Xingxing must have watched mecha repairs since he was a child, and he has gained a lot of experience before he knows it. found the problem.

Xia Chenyou quickly figured out the key point, and said, "Well, go to bed early, and dad will teach you how to do it tomorrow morning. By the way, have you watched the video for you? Dad will test you tomorrow, and you are at home on vacation. Hey , it seems that our Xia family's craftsmanship can be passed on."

His son didn't want to inherit his craftsmanship and didn't even look at it. Xia Chenyou was sad for a long time because of this, but his daughter was outstanding and extremely talented, so his craftsmanship was not in vain.

Seeing her father's expression resuming the appointment, Xia Xingxi asked cautiously: "Dad, why did brother choose to follow mom?"

Their parents divorced when they were young, and I was only a little over one year old at the time, but my brother was already in his teens at that time, and he should be able to be independent.

Hearing that the man fell silent, he said after a while, "Everyone has his own ambition, your brother doesn't like the maintenance industry, Xing Xing, do you miss your mother and brother?"

Xia Xingxi was stunned by this question, she shook her head on the spot: "I don't want to, because I have no memory, my memory is only about my father, without them."

She is just over a year old, what can she remember?
Seeing what she said, Xia Chen didn't know what to say for a while, and could only smile for a long time: "Okay, go to sleep, Dad has also rested."

Seeing the man return to the room, Xia Xingxi got up slowly, pretended to go back to the room, and then jumped out through the window. Like a thief, she touched Lou Zhanxiao's side, dragged others and ran away.

"Quick, my dad thought I was asleep, run away before he finds out!!"


Have a good date, do you want to make it like an affair? ?

(End of this chapter)

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