Chapter 187 May Those Bad People Never Die Well
At night in T City, a huge artificial moon hangs in the sky, while the world is full of light. Various metal buildings emit soft light. Even though it is past ten o'clock, the streets are still crowded with people, and the aircraft are orderly flying in mid-air Waiting for the traffic lights, the traffic is still very congested.

Xia Xingxi sat on Lou Zhanxiao's exclusive flying machine, touching this side and looking over there while drinking a drink.

The flying machines of the Federal Army are not bad, they are much more practical than those of the Empire. People in the Empire like fancy and unrealistic things, but I have to say that the high technology of the Empire is indeed advanced. It may be that there are too many fancy things. If you don't pay attention to technology, you will be advanced, right? ?

"where are we going?"

There is still more than an hour left, how does the lieutenant plan to take her to pass the time.

"What do you like?"

The man sitting opposite took off his hat, raised his hand and gently unbuttoned his clothes, from top to bottom, one by one, neatly, but extremely sexy. His dark eyes stared at her deeply, his chin slightly When lifted, the upright Adam's apple rolls up and down, which is very attractive.

what do you like?
She likes mechs, and she has money!
Thinking of her looking away slowly, she said slowly, "I like to be in a good mood."

"Hey, okay, I'll satisfy you."

The man chuckled lightly, his brows and eyes were full of pampering, it seemed that just one glance could make people drown in this pampering.

As he said that, he got up and walked into a room. When he came out, his uniform was changed into a regular uniform, black trousers and a white shirt, with a button on the neckline, and the collarbone was faintly visible.

At this time, the aircraft also landed differently, and finally landed on the tarmac of a hotel. Xia Xingxi walked out and took a look. It was near the third airport.

Don't you want to take her to outer space for a spin?But more than an hour is obviously not enough, the itinerary of the outer space cruise travel is at least two months.


The man beckoned, Xia Xingxi got up to follow, and quickly walked along the entrance into the restaurant inside the hotel, where a special acclimation student greeted them and took them to the best place for tonight.

"Everyone, please pay attention to the upper left, the Lyrid meteor shower is coming soon."

The radio sounded softly. There were not many people eating in the restaurant, but the atmosphere was very good. Hearing this, everyone stopped and looked up. Even Xia Xingxi subconsciously looked up.

At that moment, meteor showers followed.

The stars with their tails crossed the starry sky, and then disappeared in a flash, like fleeting fireworks, blooming its ultimate beauty in a short period of time, and this is just the beginning, and the number of meteors will soon There are more and more, gathering into a dazzling flicker, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, rushing across the dark night sky, beautiful and magnificent.

Even if she is used to the beauty of the night sky, Xia Xingxi will be shocked by it, and then deeply fascinated by the beauty of shooting stars. I am used to the sea, but whenever the waves roar, I still run to the beach and feel the beauty of the sea, and I am the same now.

She was born in the stars and grew up watching the stars. The stars are her sea and her hometown.

My hometown is the sea of ​​stars, and my future will also bloom in this sea of ​​stars, like a shooting star, although it is fleeting, it is destined to bloom with extreme beauty.

Xia Xingxi just watched happily, then quickly closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and made a wish: May those bad guys never have a good death!

(End of this chapter)

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