Chapter 192 It Turned Out to Be a Pile of Trash
"Boss, don't worry!"

Fiona hid in the corner, cheerfully communicating with Xia Chenguan, and somewhere she didn't know, a small robot vacuum slowly passed by her feet. Fiona glanced meanly, and kicked the little robot. Kicking to the wall, she smiled contemptuously when she saw the little robot struggling on all fours and unable to move.

"Yes, Xia Xingxi is just a child when she is smart, she has no social experience, she made me the deputy manager of the store just by fooling around, and even asked me to spy on other people. It's so funny, but I'm actually here to spy on her!"

Fiona smiled triumphantly, and Xia Chenguan was obviously also very happy: "Well, do it well, as long as you get them out, I'll let you do it as the manager of the main store!"

"Really? Thank you Mr. Xia, thank you Mr. Xia!!"

Fiona was so happy, she hung up the communication happily, and returned to work happily. When she saw Chen Feng walking over with crutches, she first rolled her eyes, and then went up to her with a smile: "Your legs are not good. Well, don't run around, let me help you!"

"No, I'm the store manager, I have to come in person, this is what my master taught me!"

A stubborn fool!
Fiona rolled her eyes and didn't help him anymore, she just said, "Okay, call me if you need anything!"

"Thank you, Miss Fiona, you are so kind!"

Chen Feng foolishly walked away on crutches, but after he left, he changed into a puzzled expression.

Miss Xia asked him to assess the employees, but he thought everyone was good, and said that the one with the lowest assessment score would have to leave this month. He really couldn't bear to let anyone go.

And because it was an assessment, he couldn't tell everyone, so he could only act silently, which made him a little guilty.

Chen Feng thought about continuing to walk with difficulty on crutches.

At this moment, Xia Xingxi had already pushed open the door of the financial room, and Xia Chen's angry voice came instantly.

"What did you say? No income, only debts?"

Financial Xiaosun rolled his eyes: "Mr. Xia, haven't you seen it all? It is clearly written on the financial statements that the head office has been losing money all the time. Also, the supplier's money will be exhausted this month. It's over, and the salaries of a few resigned employees have to be calculated, and the water, electricity, energy bills, and small items of turnover should also be settled. There is no penny in the account, and I ask Mr. Xia to work hard. Immediately closed!"

"What are you talking about!" Xia Chen said angrily, "And it's impossible to have only debts and no income. The main store has always been the best seller!"

"That can't stop some people from doing things a few months ago. The business of their maintenance department is booming, but the mech shop almost closed down. Who is to blame?"

Xiao Sun is full of yin and yang. It is true that he has not made any money in the past few months, but he has not reached the point of loss. It's just that Xia Chenguan took all the profits, so isn't there only debt left?
As for you top-level fights, she can't take care of a small accountant, but you have to settle the bill if you owe it, so please be quick when you give the money!


Xia Chen wanted to say something else, but Xia Xingxi had already said, "Dad, it's no use making things difficult for her. Come out, I have something to tell you."

Xia Chenyou gave Finance a hard look before turning around and leaving.

"What's wrong with the stars?"

"It's nothing, I just checked. When the second uncle left, he took the best mecha and the best employees. He didn't give any of the money he earned and left a lot of bad debts. Dad, you Be mentally prepared in advance."

Xia Chen suddenly felt dizzy when he heard these words. Isn't this just a mess?I thought I finally got the best head office, but what happened?

It turned out to be just a bunch of junk.

(End of this chapter)

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