Chapter 193
"But it doesn't matter. I have seen all the mechas left behind. Although they are a pile of tatters, they can be sold after repairing them. They can make up for the shortfall of the debt for a while, but it will tire you for a while."

"It's okay, come dad!"

Xia Chenyou's face was very ugly, but he still rolled up his sleeves and walked to the workshop. Although it was a mess, don't try to use this to bother him. Will hand over the head office again, Xia Chenguan, your conspiracy will never come true!
Seeing that her father was gone, Xia Xingxi opened the door again and walked into the accounting room. The little accountant inside was not a few years older than herself, but her temper was not small. She didn't even look at it when she came in. She just said: "Idlers are not allowed to enter the financially important area."

Xia Xingxi smiled, sat down on the sofa, stared at the woman behind the desk: "I checked, although you are a newcomer, you have good abilities, but the second uncle still didn't take you away, what do you think is the reason? "

Hearing this, Sun Meng's face turned pale, and she turned her head and gave Xia Xingxi a hard look: "What do you mean?"

"Don't understand?" Xia Xingxi didn't talk too much, stared at her and said very straightforwardly: "You don't know how to behave in the world, you don't know how to please the leader, and you don't know how to make fake accounts for you. You work hard every day like a program. A computerized AI machine, my second uncle couldn't tolerate you, so he threw you to my dad, I want to see you pissing off my dad and let him suffer, right?"

Sun Meng bit her lip and frowned: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I won't care about the previous one, you just need to remember that my dad is not Xia Chenguan, and what you have to do from now on is to keep the door of finances, and record clearly for me when you get in and out, and save a dime Qian Xingbi, I will return you to my second uncle, because you are not capable, understand?"

When he heard that he was going back to Xia Chenguan's place, Sun Meng's face immediately turned pale. Xia Xingxi saw all this in his eyes. It seemed that this little girl was often angry with her second uncle.

Hey, it's really good, look at the employees left by the second uncle to their family, the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled, and the scheming women are fine, and there is a thorny head left in the financial office. Fortunately, this thorny head is upright, at least an honest financial information.

"Okay, let's go to the workshop now. My dad wants to repair the mechas. All the parts he took will be recorded in the account. Then we will calculate the cost and see how much these second-hand mechas can be sold for."

Sun Meng looked at Xia Xingxi in surprise. This woman is not as old as herself, she knows a lot, and she is super imposing, and her words are very convincing. She is much stronger than Xia Chenguan and Xia Yue'er.

"I understand, but you have to go too. I have to lock the door of the accounting room." Sun Meng was so upright that Xia Xingxi could only get up: "Okay, you have the final say in the accounting room. Remember, except me and Dad No one can enter, and none of the outside employees can!"

"I know this, so you don't need to talk about it!"

Sun Meng returned to her prickly-headed appearance, and Xia Xingxi smiled helplessly, and had no choice but to walk out of the financial room.

The smart password door was closed with a bang, and no one could open it except Sun Meng, it was so high-tech.

Finances, employees, venues, and mechas, there is no worry from the beginning to the end, but in Xia Xingxi's opinion, these are not the most troublesome things for her, but she firmly believes that the second uncle will never make her feel better.

Sure enough, soon Chen Feng came to her on crutches and brought good news: "Miss Xia, your second uncle is here and said he came to see if there is any need for help! He is really a good person, you said yes Miss Xia?"


(End of this chapter)

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