Chapter 194 You Can Do It, You Are Amazing
Xia Xingxi stared at the store manager silently, feeling really tired.

Gugouxiao's innocent and innocent face, this kind of thing is definitely the kind of person who will count the money for you after being sold, and even praise you for being a good person.

Xia Chenguan has left the mess to himself, will he come to help?I'm afraid you didn't come here to watch the excitement and deliberately disgust yourself, right?

"Yes, Miss Xia!" Chen Feng was quite happy.

Xia Xingxi's eyelids twitched, she still couldn't say the words of education after all, the child was too innocent, she couldn't bear it.

"It's okay, read more books, such as the workplace thick black school or something."

"Thick black?" Chen Feng didn't understand why, but still nodded: "I understand Miss Xia, I will work hard to improve!"

Xia Xingxi didn't know what to say, so she could only rub the little parrot in her pocket, turned and left silently.

"Miss, you can also change his head, like me!!"

The general raised his wings, tilted his head and pointed at his half-drawn mechanical head, then Xia Xingxi let out a long sigh, and said helplessly: "It's useless, the foundation is not good, and it's a waste to replace it with the best one."

The general was completely silent, aren't humans animals with high IQ?How could this foundation be worse than this parrot? ?

The little parrot was full of question marks, it couldn't understand this question.

Walking to the lobby, I saw Xia Chen happily sitting in the rest area. Because the sofa was gone, Fiona brought him the manager's soft chair and warmly brought tea, while her own father only Able to sit on a cold metal bench with a glass of cold water in hand.

Tsk tsk, this treatment is no one else.

"Hey, isn't this a star? Help your father during the National Day holiday. That's right. You students don't have any experience. If you want to inherit the family business, you need to accumulate more experience. We, Yueer, have been trained like this since we were young." Come out, you are only 24, not too late!"

Xia Chenguan squinted his eyes and smiled fakely. He just came to watch the excitement, and as expected, what he saw was all happy things.

Look at the mess in this place, look at everything that is empty, the repair shop next door is really busy, but look at this mech shop, it is no longer crowded, it is simply empty, really makes me happy!

Xia Xingxi also stared at Xia Chenguan, and she couldn't let others worry about her own territory, so she also smiled: "Second uncle came at the right time, but I heard that you are here to help, in this case, first give me 2000 million Xingbi, just as a help."

"Pfft!" Xia Chenguan spit out all the tea he just drank, and stared at Xia Xingxi in shock, expressing that he did not expect this little girl to be so thick-skinned.

It costs 2000 million to open your mouth?Why don't you go to heaven? ?

"You don't have to give money to help, right? How vulgar is it to talk about money?"

"Hey, I can't help it!" Xia Xingxi looked concerned as if he was hypocritical, "The work here is too dirty and tiring, it's not suitable for Second Uncle as your boss, and I also understand that Second Uncle is getting old. You can’t let you come to move the mecha and clean up. After thinking about it, the most suitable second uncle’s status as your boss is to give money, and you can’t give less. At least 2000 million is needed to be worthy of second uncle. Your honorable status as the owner of the mecha chain store!"

Xia Chenguan couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching desperately anymore, and the hand holding the tea started to shake. He stared at Xia Xingxi dumbfounded, thinking that he didn't come here for fun, he came here for excitement!

Little girl, you can do it, you are amazing! !
(End of this chapter)

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