Chapter 198 Ginger is still old and spicy

Sure enough, the man frowned, staring at the mecha shop, Noya's line was switched to several shops, and it was empty inside, with nothing.

This Xia Chenguan is really a dog.

"Aren't you going to help your wife?"

Jiang Chen stared fixedly at Lou Zhanxiao, and instinctively told him that there must be a good show to watch, but the man was silent for a while before saying: "Help."

Help, but not too obvious, otherwise Xing Xing will definitely resist, and he finally walked into Xing Xing's sight.

So he clicked on the official website of Xia's Mech Chain Store, looked around at the column of products for sale, and at the end, his expression gradually became ugly.

"Tsk tsk, this second uncle is too stupid. It has the delivery addresses of all Blue Star stores, but there is no main store!"

As soon as Jiang Chen poked his head out from behind the man, he felt a burst of emotion.

Xia Chenguan is really terrific in his work, the terrific kind, the kind that blocks all the roads and is determined to kill you.

"It's over now. There are no goods, let alone sales channels, and only the daily expenses are left. It's a fart, and I will definitely lose money."

From Jiang Chenyi's point of view, this is an unsolvable situation, and it is still a certain death situation.

Sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy, black and spicy.

While thinking, a screen popped up on Nuoya's light screen: "Lieutenant, I found a contract for a business supervision platform, and my wife has signed it."

"Well, open it for me to take a look."

So a contract appeared quietly, and the dense words on it told the two people what an unfair gambling agreement this was.

"Competing for a year's sales?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help screaming again and again: "I'm afraid your wife has lost her mind, it's almost the end of the year, and now the competition has lost more than half a year's performance, plus the main store is so deserted, it's not inevitable that she will die Is it? And using the main store and the maintenance department as a bet, this is simply a battle of setting yourself up on the campfire, and throwing yourself some cumin pepper noodles by the way!"

Not to mention the absolute death of oneself, but also the gesture of other people's mouths with one's own hands.

"Your wife, are you crazy?"

If he wasn't a lunatic, how could he come up with such a suicidal gambling contract! !
There was a moment of silence in the aircraft, only Lou Zhanxiao stared at the contract, his face became more and more ugly.

He believed in Xing Xing, and believed that she must have her own purpose in doing so, so he had better wait and see what happened. If the situation was really difficult to deal with, he would come forward again, and it would not be too late to watch Xia Chen die.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

As soon as Jiang Chen walked around Lou Zhanxiao, the man frowned and threw him out on the spot.


I'm helping you, why don't you be so ruthless? ?

On the other side, Xia Chenyou also discovered this point, that is, the sales of the main store on the official website of the Jijia shop were completely cut off. He called his second brother in embarrassment, but what he got was a yin and yang reply.

"Brother, didn't you say it all, the main store is given to you, we have nothing to do with it, manage it well, don't lose your property to me!"

With a cold snort, the communication was hung up, Xia Chen trembled angrily, and didn't even want to repair the mecha.

But at this time, Xia Xingxi walked over slowly, and said calmly: "Dad, don't be angry, although the second uncle blocked all the roads, we are not helpless, we can do this..."

(End of this chapter)

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