Chapter 199 Rolling
The National Day activities were held with great vigor and vigor. Everyone was staring at the main store of Xia's Mecha Chain Store, always thinking that the main store would take the opportunity to launch a series of excellent new products for everyone to choose from. There was no movement at all, and it didn't even open for business!
This is the National Day, a holiday for the entire Federation. Other stores can sell their half-year sales in just a few days, but Xia's main store chooses to close down?Are you crazy? ?
"What's going on with Xia's main store? Biying and Victoria have already made it, and I'm still waiting to buy new products, so close down for me??"

"I guess I don't want to do it. Some people passing by said that the inside has been evacuated!"

"Then they engage in Maoist activities, and their efforts are not thankful, and let us look forward to it in vain."

All kinds of voices gradually spread into Xia Chenguan's ears, and this guy immediately became happy. The reason for the closure was not because he couldn't manage it. Oh, Xia Xingxi, once the enthusiasm for the National Day holiday subsides, you will lose everything, even Biying and Victoria It’s useless to come here, you can only cool off when the heat dissipates, absolutely!


Xia Yue'er walked over swearing.

"Well, Yue'er, have you met the teacher?" Xia Chenguan was extremely enthusiastic about his daughter.

"Yes, we've chatted. The tuition teacher you invited is good. Dad, I plan to start making mechas now. This teacher can teach me a lot. Not only will I be the best mecha student in the Blue Star Preparatory Military Academy, I also want to build the best mecha, let our Xia family shine at the mecha sale at the end of the year, and then crush that little bitch!"

Isn't it about performance?As long as she can build a good mech, her performance will definitely be YYDS, and Xia Xingxi will definitely not be able to compare to her own by guarding a rag. However, she would like to see Xia Xingxi lose even worse, and be trampled under her feet, even more desperate look!
Therefore, it can only be crushed, and only by making a good enough mecha can it completely crush Xia Xingxi!

"Hmph, it's useless to call Biying and Victoria. In the end, you have to be able to do it yourself. Don't you think so, Dad?"

Xia Yue'er looked at Xia Chenguan with firm eyes, causing Xia Chenguan to nod repeatedly.

"Yes, at the end of this year, you must let your uncle's family lose miserably!"

Otherwise, even he would feel unhappy.

"But fortunately, Xia Xingxi was changed by you to the mecha department. This year's final grades are absolutely impressive. Yue'er, you will be the well-deserved No. [-] in the school. The crushing kind, absolutely!"

The tuition teachers have been invited, and he must make the golden light made by his daughter even more attractive than the flying machine inlaid with energy stones!

"Come on, Yue'er, Dad will be counting on you at the end of the year!"

"Well, don't worry!"

Xia Yue'er turned around and went back to her room to tidy up and salute. The National Day holiday is over and school starts tomorrow. She must devote herself to her studies and crush Xia Xingxi.

After a week-long Independence Day holiday, students have returned to school.

Early in the morning, there were senior seniors standing at the door to check their appearance, but among these familiar seniors, there was a fresh face that stood out.

There is no way, that blond hair is too dazzling, that pretty face is too attractive, his appearance is comparable to that of a school girl, and what is even more attractive is his right arm, which has a mechanical arm in a military academy based on per capita The people are absolutely unique in the scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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