Chapter 200 Are You Sure This Is My Brother?

Bill held the small inspection robot in his left hand, and tapped the light screen with his right hand. He said ruthlessly, "Zhang Qi, from the Department of Investigation, has a loose belt, and one point will be deducted for her appearance! One point, and..."

The cold and heartless voice immediately caused the returning students to complain, but the senior was too beautiful and cold, so no one dared to make a mistake.

"elder brother!!"

Jonny saw the second brother as soon as he got off the aircraft, and rushed over excitedly on the spot: "It's really early for you to leave, I still want to ride with you in an aircraft, brother..."

"Jonny O'Neill, your eyes are still covered with gum, and your smile is too serious, three points deducted for your appearance."

Jonny O'Neill: ………

The smile froze on his face in an instant, are you sure this is your brother? ?


Xia Xingxi, who happened to see everything, almost died laughing at the door, Jonny's sad and daring look was really too funny hahahaha!
But before he finished laughing, Bill's cold eyes fell on Xia Xingxi, and he said coldly: "Xia Xingxi, the logistics department, laughing doesn't fit the image of a soldier, three points will be deducted from her appearance!"


Is this the legend of extreme joy begets sorrow? !

Xia Xingxi was choked on the spot, and now she didn't even dare to cough, so she lowered her head and quickly went inside while covering her blushing face.

"What are you doing with your head down! Military cadets raise their heads and chests upright, two points will be deducted for their appearance!!"


This, this, she deducted five points early in the morning before school started? ?In addition to the ten points for overcoming the wall some time ago, this is fifteen points brother!Do you want to be so ruthless?My old lady even made you a mechanical arm!
Xia Xingxi was going crazy, but she didn't dare to move. Bill was not only proud but also mean, he really couldn't be offended...

So she imitated Jonny's posture on the spot, and the two tacitly adopted the standard posture of two in a row and three in a row, shouting slogans and disappearing from everyone's sight.

Crowd: …………

It's miserable to be the younger brother of Senior Bill!
Being Bill's senior's younger sibling is just as miserable! !
The words "Terrible" in capital letters floated above his head, and after finally turning into a place where no one was around, Jonny breathed a sigh of relief, and Xia Xingxi strangled him by the neck and dragged him into the green belt next to him.

"I said, your brother doesn't need to do this. Anyway, I got his mechanical arm. Your Victoria is still parked in the workshop of our repair shop. Do you want to be so ruthless?"

Jonny blushed from being strangled, turned around and broke free, and said angrily: "Nonsense, this is the fine style of our O'Neill family, which is different from you bastards!"

"Hey, who are you calling a fart?" What a ruthless bastard!
"You, it's you, don't think that you got me a robotic arm and you are the guest of our family!!"

"Shut up!"

Xia Xingxi kicked as soon as she said that, Jonny hid and looked for an opportunity to fight back. The handsome men and beautiful women fought in the green belt full of flowers in the soft morning light...

The students passing by all looked sideways and yelled while watching.

"Are you so enthusiastic early in the morning?"

"Is this to urge each other to learn, or to enhance mutual affection?"

"Ouch, this LOVE is so hot, it's so cruel~~"

The two people who were entangled were full of question marks. Xia Xingxi grabbed Jonny's collar and secretly squeezed hard. Jonny held down Xia Xingxi's head and glared.

"What are these people talking about?"

Jonny frowned, why do you always feel that these people's words are very ambiguous?
(End of this chapter)

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