After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 201 You don't hate me, I'm still not used to it

Chapter 201 You don't hate me, I'm still not used to it
"Besides, let me beat you harder!"

Xia Xingxi was also unwilling to admit defeat, she gritted her teeth on the spot, and Jonny was so angry that she wanted to discard the image and just bite her mouth, because she really couldn't free her hands! !

"What are you doing!"

There was a cold scolding sound, and the students who were watching the excitement dissipated in an instant, leaving only the downstairs lieutenant standing on the side of the road with an ugly face, staring at the two wrestling people with clear and cold eyes under the brim of his hat.

What is the passion of LOVE, what is the enthusiasm in the early morning, huh?When he is dead?
The two blinked before stopping their hands, but they glanced behind Lieutenant Lou from the corner of their eyes. Bill O'Neill silently raised his mechanical hand and recorded indifferently on the recording robot.

"Jonny O'Neill and Xia Xingxi fought on campus and seriously violated discipline. Five points will be deducted from each of them."

Jonny: ...

Xia Xingxi: .........

Your brother is such a good dog! !
It's none of my brother's business, it's not you pestering me to fight!
The two exchanged eyebrows in front of everyone, and the students around immediately murmured ambiguously, Lou Zhanxiao's face almost turned green, and he even felt a touch of green from the interstellar blue big-brimmed hat on his head.

Then the next second, the two wrestling people let go instantly, Xia Xingxi smiled gently at Jonny: "Jonny, are you okay, thank you, otherwise I will forget how to punch this set!"

"Dear Xing Xing, you don't have to be polite. Students should help each other. Although the National Day holiday is long, don't forget to study, hehehehe!"

The two reconciled instantly, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious. At the end, Qiqi turned to look at Bill, and said in unison: "Look, we are learning from each other, and there is no fight, really! It's more real than pearls!"

However, the only answer he got was a cold snort of contempt from his nose. Bill didn't even look at them, and turned away with his own people.

In short, this point is deducted, so it's Jiangzi.

"Your brother is such a dog, I don't accept rebuttals." Xia Xingxi lowered her voice.

Jonny's face flushed with anger, but he couldn't refute. He could only stare at her, rolling his eyes in protest.

"It's useless to roll your eyes until you die, your brother is a dog!"

After Xia Xingxi jumped behind Lou Zhanxiao, Jonny was trembling with anger, but he couldn't break out in front of Lieutenant Lou.

"Enough, let's all go to class!"

Still whispering at this point, huh?
The man was instantly jealous, jealous, and his face became even more ugly. He stared at Xia Xingxi behind him who was sticking out his tongue and making a face, but suddenly held back his words when he wanted to reprimand him. While annoyed that he was too used to her, he could only Reluctantly said: "You, come to the office with me!"

"Going to the office again?"

"Have you entered the palace for the second time?"

"Xueba is different..."

The students around were talking a lot, last time it was caught sleeping, this time it was fighting... Uh, no, being caught dating, the number one in the world is really different from others.

What a pity~~
So under the eyes of everyone, Xia Xingxi was taken away by Lieutenant Lou. Everyone looked pitiful, but Jiang Chen silently hid behind the shadow of the big tree, smiling almost to the sky.

"Monroe, look, it's so enthusiastic early in the morning, what do you think the two of them will do in the office? Should I prepare some TT in Lou Zhanxiao's drawer??"

Monroe: ...

It seems that his master is hopeless.

"Monroe, why don't you talk? I'm still a little uncomfortable when you don't hate me~~"

(End of this chapter)

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