After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 202 Meeting a perverted master, what should I do to insist on myself

Chapter 202 Meeting a perverted master, what should I do to insist on myself


Monroe asked for help online: When I met a perverted master, what should I do to persist in myself, so that I can get out of the mud without getting stained? ?

Lou Zhanxiao's office is still the same as before, spotlessly clean, this man takes care of everything in a militarized manner, including sanitation.

Xia Xingxi glanced at the familiar office, and slumped over to the sofa, feeling a little dejected.

"Unhappy to see me?" Lou Zhanxiao took out the breakfast he had prepared and put it on the table, staring deeply at the person in front of him.

Seeing the breakfast, Xia Xingxi's eyes lit up. The little sausage she liked was exuding fragrance, and the fried eggs were also very beautiful.

"That's not true, it's just that it's very uncomfortable to deduct [-] points."

Thinking of her picking up the table knife, touching butter on the bread, and enjoying breakfast very simply.

"How could it be twenty?" Isn't it only ten?

"Ah, and the last time I climbed over the wall, I scored ten points." Xia Xingxi looked up and thought, "I don't know who is so boring. Everyone climbed over the wall, but only me?"

"Where's the wall?" Lou Zhanxiao asked quietly.

"Oh, it's the one at the back of the dormitory."

Xia Xingxi was immersed in eating, so she didn't care about someone's expression, she just lowered her head and ate happily.

Everyone thought she was here to receive criticism and education, but Xia Xingxi knew very well that she usually came here to eat and drink.

After eating and drinking enough, Xia Xingxi waved her hand and went straight to class, but before she left, she was stopped again. Lou Zhanxiao stuffed a candy wrapped in black sugar paper into her palm, and it was clear and dark under the brim of her hat Staring at her wrongly, she said slowly in a deep and pleasant voice: "Xing Xing, I will let you know that I am definitely different from others after tearing off this skin."

Hearing this, Xia Xingxi blinked her eyes, she didn't quite understand what he meant, but she still put her fingers together to hold the candy tightly, and smiled: "Okay, I'll wait and see."

After speaking, she turned her head and left. After walking out for a while, she still couldn't bear to take out the candy.

There was not even a word on the unpretentious black wrapping paper, and it was impossible to tell what kind of candy it was, but she still opened the wrapping paper and threw the candy into her mouth under the trend of greed.

There is an indescribable taste in the mouth, but it is definitely not delicious. The weird taste irritates the mouth, making Xia Xingxi frown and want to spit out the sugar, but before she opens her mouth, there is a heart-warming sweetness It rushed into the nasal cavity in an instant, overwhelmed the strange smell, and made it even more sweet.

Xia Xingxi, who was about to spit out the candy, paused for a moment, then silently turned her head and stared at the window of Lou Zhanxiao's office in the distance.

The sweetness in the mouth continued to intensify, because of the strange taste stimulation, this candy tasted sweeter and more delicious than any candy in the world, and the man's words were still circling in his mind before he left.

Xing Xing, I will let you know that I am definitely different from others when I tear off this skin.


Using candy to refer to yourself?It's a pity, these are all unrealistic things, you can use this thing to chase a girl in her twenties, it's okay, she Xia Xingxi has lived her whole life, you can't catch my old lady!

Thinking of her smiling slightly, she walked away handsomely while biting candy, while the man behind the window in the distance was staring at her back, and the corners of his thin lips unconsciously raised a touch of warmth.

So starting from that night, for a week in a row, all the students who climbed over the wall at night were reported anonymously, and then everyone was deducted [-] points. Some people even climbed five days a week and were deducted a full [-] points.

The student whose points were deducted was blown up. Who the hell is so boring and stays up in the middle of the night every day? Is it crazy? ?
(End of this chapter)

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