Chapter 204 See you soon!And I saw a ghost!

See you soon!And I saw a ghost! !
In just a few days, the two of them were tortured badly, and they came to Xia Xingxi on crutches without saying a word.

"Xia Xingxi, we were wrong, please forgive me!!"

"Yeah, hold your hand high, take all your people back, what a hatred, do you still want our lives?"

Xia Xingxi, who was touched for no reason: ...? ? ? ?

Are these two people crazy, or have they come here to touch porcelain?

Thinking of her, she quickly picked up the dinner plate and stood up, and said loudly to everyone who looked over: "I haven't done anything, don't touch porcelain, thank you!"

After speaking, he turned his head and ran quickly, and the two disabled people who watched were full of sighs.

Well, they can't catch up with crutches. Will they still have to experience the daily routine of being beaten every day? ?To die!
It wasn't until Lieutenant Lou felt that the two of them were almost beaten (to death), that he revoked the order given to Nuoya, and then everyone resumed their daily life of being able to climb over the wall at will. The miserable lives of Cao Miaomiao and Liu Wencheng finally came to an end. declare the end.

This can be regarded as saving a life.

Due to the return of Bill O'Neill, the entire reserve military academy is discussing this famous senior, because even if he is not in the school, this name is still popular.

As we all know, there are many planets in the Federation, among which the most competitive exams over the years is the First Military Academy of the Capital Star, and under the competition of hundreds of millions of candidates on many planets, Bill still broke through all the difficulties and won the No. 1 was admitted to Capital Star First Military Academy, and the name Bill became a miracle for the entire Blue Star Reserve Military Academy.

Even the name shocked the first general of the capital star back then. When everyone expected that Bill would become the most outstanding talent in the next generation of the federation, Bill lost his right arm due to a star beast attack during the holiday before the start of school. With No.1 grades, he missed the First Military Academy.

There is no military academy in the entire interstellar world that would require disabled people, because they can no longer drive mechas, or even do sophisticated logistical work.

As soon as this incident broke out, it was not a pity for anyone in the entire Federation to mention this incident. Even the capital stars sent Bill their condolences, but it was useless. As far as Bill was concerned, he had already fallen as a mecha operator before he officially took up his post.

The entire federation is lamenting the loss of talents, but Bill also seems to have died from this day, completely disappearing from everyone's sight. Everyone said that Bill is finished, and the new star fell without shining, and soon Yes, people have forgotten Bill, because the Federation is too big, and the most indispensable thing is all kinds of news.

But just when people forgot the name Bill, this man put on a mechanical arm and drove the legendary mech Victoria to appear in people's sight again, and even declared war on everyone by suppressing Biying. He, Bill, is not a waste, and he has not fallen. Although this interstellar nova is a bit late, it can still shine brightly!

#Bill!Supernova returns! ! #
When such a headline exploded on the Internet and blew up the memories of a group of people, Bill was also standing in the office of the vice principal Lemons, looking down on Lemons with his head held high and with complete arrogance, and said coldly :

"I, Bill, officially announce that I will repeat my studies at the Blue Star Reserve Military Academy for another year. At this time next year, I will regain the glory that belongs to me, Bill!"

(End of this chapter)

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