Chapter 205 We are also NO.1 in machinery!

"Good, very good!"

Vice-principal Lemons was overjoyed. This kid's test scores back then were skyrocketing, and even with himself as the vice-principal, he was very respectable and glamorous in the entire Federation.

Well now, this outstanding young man is back again, back to them, although it is a bit late, but he firmly believes that next year's glory will definitely be their preparatory military academy, absolutely! !

Haha, it's cool to think about it~~
"Go ahead, come on, if you have any discomfort, just mention it, I will satisfy you."

Hearing this, Bill snorted coldly, stretched out his right arm and dismantled the electronic pen of Vice Principal Lemons within three seconds, and a pile of thin hair parts were scattered on the table in an instant, together with Bill's indifferent and full of sarcasm. Voice: "Discomfort? Please never use that word on me."

After speaking, the man took a step back, saluted arrogantly, turned and left, and the rest of Lemons stared at the pile of parts on the table and fell into deep thought for a moment.

This... how the hell do I put it back together?
Will it cost a lot of money to send it in for repairs?Can the school reimburse you? ?

When frowning, the intelligence brain pushed an advertisement in due course: Boss Xia's mecha repair department, not only mechas, but also machinery we are No. 1! !
Lemons: "..."

Forget it, send it here for repair.

Bill's return caused a stir in the senior class.

"Senior! It's really you, you're back!"

Bill's name is the brilliance of the school. Many students surrounded Bill, but Bill was still arrogant and indifferent. However, everyone could accept his attitude. Whoever made him the number one in the Federation was still a member of the O'Neill family.

Bill kept walking, and a group of followers followed behind him. The scenery of the reserve military academy was still the same as before, and it hadn't changed at all. If you have to say change...

Bill looked to the corner, his younger brother was confused with Xia Xingxi and didn't know what they were talking about. The younger brother looked a little happy, and there was a hint of imperceptible smile on his always arrogant face.

"Johnny, come here!"

"Brother!" Seeing that the second brother called him, Jonny was very happy, turned around and said to Xia Xingxi viciously: "That's the fee, I won't raise it for you!"

"Then I'll tell your brother right now, you have to pay half of the maintenance fee for him!" In short, she will never give in when it comes to money! !
"Okay, you're ruthless!" Bill's voice continued, and Johnny was also in a hurry, so he could only angrily agree with Xia Xingxi's price, then turned around and left quickly.

"Brother, are you going to the classroom? Are we together?"


After dismissing the followers indifferently, Bill raised his eyes and glanced at the figure of the woman, and said coldly: "Although she is number one in Blue Star, she is only in the logistics department. This kind of person is useless to our O'Neill family. Don't do it." It's something that lowers the family's class."

Obviously, Jonny would have said these words to himself before, but for some reason, when he said them from the mouth of his second brother this time, his heart ached for a moment.

"okay, I get it."

Jonny took a deep breath, and subconsciously wanted to look at Xia Xingxi, but he controlled it in time and followed Bill with his head down.

I thought that apart from repairing mechs and mechanical arms, I wouldn't be able to see Xia Xingxi. Even if I did, it would be Xia Xingxi who served me. However, what Bill didn't expect was that there are some things in this world that can't be done just by the O'Neill family. of.

Because someone sent a gauntlet to Bill.

(End of this chapter)

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