Chapter 213 Animals are not practiced like this!
: A level?The upstairs is fierce, can you control the A level?

: Wow, A-level, that is my dream, but there are very few people who can drive A-level, Biying, are you from the military or from the chaebol?
It is impossible for ordinary people to drive A-level mechas because they are not capable enough, but there are only two types of people who can control A-level mechas, either people from the military department, or people from the plutocrats, and of course they may be interstellar pirates, but this The probability is too low and everyone will automatically ignore it soon.

Biying: I just want to buy a Tiantian to motivate myself.

: Sauce purple ah!

The fans soon lost interest, and then changed the topic, but Xia Xingxi glanced at it, and said calmly: "It's not impossible, but A-level materials are too expensive, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford them."

This is another reason why she wants to develop an evolutionary mecha, that is to save money.

Seeing that the rabbit can really do it, Lou Zhanxiao's eyes flickered, and he tapped the table with his rough fingertips, looking forward to buying an A-level mecha from the rabbit.

"No, Lou Zhanxiao, you still want to watch the live broadcast!!"

As soon as Jiang Chen broke in from the outside, he glanced at the screen, and he was still watching the live broadcast. It's such a time, why are you still thinking?
However, the man ignored him, and just calmly stared at the remarkable mech on the light screen, narrowing his black eyes slightly.

It's a pity that even if the grade is a little low, even if it's B grade, he can't buy it.

Seeing that he still ignored him, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded: "Your wife is about to be snatched away, and you have a new rival in love, and the two of you overcame the wall again last night, are you so calm?"

"It's just a rumor." Lou Zhanxiao was extremely calm: "Bill just asked Xing Xing to help him make a training plan."

Speaking of which, Lou Zhanxiao got up and said: "The group of local stars are clamoring again. To provoke Bill is to provoke the First Army. After half a month, you and I will have to cheer for Bill, understand?"

"What the hell??"

Jiang Chen was stunned. Bill's Victoria belonged to the First Army, so Bill was also a member of the First Army. He didn't take back Victoria for so many years because he recognized Bill's identity. Now, people from the local star came out to find fault?

"Take a good look at the anchor of this broadcaster. You can buy some good mechas for the training of the new army."

The man tapped the light screen indifferently, and when he touched it, a little bit of starlight flashed away from his fingertips.

"Oh, yes, let me see."

Jiang Chen sat down in a flash, and then completely forgot what he was here for, instead he yelled in front of the light screen: "This mecha is good, this mecha is good, it can be used, I want it Try it!"

Jiang Chen was eager to try, but Lou Zhanxiao frowned, feeling that he had to help secretly, Xing Xing, can you really tame Bill, a wild wolf like this?Just hope you don't suffer.

At this very moment, this feral wolf is falling into the sofa panting, his limbs are twitching like a dog from exhaustion, and the mechanical arm has been dismantled. Xia Xingxi puts on the maintenance glasses and carefully examines the internal nerve wiring , muttering: "It seems that the sensitivity can be improved again, Bill, if the sensitivity is increased, you don't have to fight so hard. Also, today is not bad, although the last game lasted for three hours."

Bill: .........

If it wasn't for the fact that his arms were so tired that he couldn't lift them up, he really wanted to give Xia Xingxi the middle finger, and then yell, "I hate you!!"

Animals are not practiced like this! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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