Chapter 214

He swore that after leaving, he would never come to the underground arena again in his life, absolutely! !

I lost all my face here ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah it's a good thing I'm wearing a hood or else I'll be ashamed to death!
Bill buried his head in the sofa, feeling extremely depressed.

Xia Xingxi was in a good mood. During this period of time, Bill almost dismantled the mechas here, resulting in an extremely surplus of materials, and maybe he could make a few new mechas hahahaha!

A good mood means high efficiency. No matter what Xia Xingxi thinks of Bill now, he is very pleasing to the eye: "Take a rest these two days, wait for me... well, find someone to help you maintain the mechanical arm, and then we will train in pairs. .”

Hearing that he could finally leave this place, Bill regained his energy in an instant. He climbed up with difficulty, picked up the nutrient solution with his left arm and drank it in one gulp. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and regain some energy.


"OK, let's go."

Xia Xingxi threw the robotic arm back, and everyone walked out of the VIP room.

The underground arena in the early morning seemed extremely deserted. After all, the match was over, and the crowd left long ago. The surrounding area was empty, and the two of them didn't know that they had already been targeted.

There is no way, after dismantling the mecha for so long, the chaebols above have long been unhappy. You must know that the cheapest spare parts cost 10,000+ star coins, and there are tens of millions of expensive ones. This one called Cuihua is specially picked up. It's really expensive to dismantle it, it's obviously a mecha that is making money every day, but now it's a money-losing product, tens of millions of star coins were built in one night, who can bear it.

So the chaebols decided on the spot to stop this kid today and beat him up to teach him a lesson. Although the wool in the underground arena can be squeezed, it can't be squeezed into the bald all the time!

So in the quiet corridor, Xia Xingxi and Bill were blocked by a group of people, and they became the heart of the stuffed pie.

Xia Xingxi raised her eyebrows, yo, the visitor is not kind!

Bill's expression became even more gloomy. He hadn't taken off his hood or changed his clothes, mainly because he didn't have the face to change here and didn't want to show his true face.

"Go away!" The aloof Master Bill was only willing to bow his head in front of Xia Xingxi, and now he stared coldly at the person in front of him and scolded him on the spot.

When I was angry, the people in front of me parted ways, and a person walked out. He looked familiar, it seemed to be Wang Mingyang, who was invited by the second uncle and the others on the National Day, yo, this is still for me?
Xia Xingxi scratched her chin and stared at Wang Mingyang with interest. The general was ready to attack, but the general stopped in front of Bill without even looking at her.

Xia Xingxi: ...

Not looking for yourself?Then can she flash first?

As he spoke, he tentatively took a step forward, but Bill's icy eyes fixed him firmly.

"Go for a try!"

The man's voice was especially gritted. Xia Xing felt sorry for him, but had no choice but to stop.

Wang Mingyang smiled: "None of you can leave today. Dismantling the mechas in the underground arena is very exciting. Who dare to dismantle the mechas? Don't you know that the mechas here belong to the chaebol? What is it!"

Wang Mingyang didn't seem to recognize Xia Xingxi, and continued to sneer: "I told you, the ass will put my tail between my legs and be a man. Dismantling the mecha of the rich man is tantamount to courting death. Unless you are Bill O'Neill, otherwise, you have to give it to me today." Die here!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand violently, and someone rushed out and grabbed Bill's hood and tore it off on the spot, while Wang Mingyang's voice was still resounding: "Come on, let me see, what kind of guy dares to tear us down?" Old Wang's machine..."

The insolent laughter stopped abruptly in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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