Chapter 228 Obediently, give me a clap
Jiang Chen felt that he was going crazy. It was shocking that Bill with a mechanical arm could reach 80% of his previous strength. Doriga is getting stronger!
Although it is still a B-level mecha, it has obviously reached the peak of B-level, but the mecha obviously cannot evolve. How did he make Victoria stronger? ?
"Lou Zhanxiao, did you see it? Oh my god, what kind of trick is that? Can you beat an A-level star beast with one shot? Oh my god, my god, my god!! "

Compared to Jiang Chenyi's shock, Lou Zhanxiao was very calm. His black eyes stared gloomyly at what happened in the light screen. Although the attack just now was indeed very intimidating, he was not afraid, because it made him feel even more intimidated. Interesting things exist.

That was Xia Xingxi's mecha.

The name "Brass Your Family" must have been chosen randomly, but he intuitively felt that this mecha was not the one that Xia Xingxi first used on, because that mecha didn't have a shield, only a knife.

But he was not completely sure, because was a virtual network, and the mecha could be modified at will. Adding a shield only needed one command, which was not troublesome at all. But even so, he still felt that Xing Xing must have changed the mecha.

Subconsciously clicked on Xia Xingxi's ranking, and sure enough, on the ranking above, it was clearly written as No. [-] in the novice area.

Why must brush to the first level?He didn't believe that Xing Xing did this just for fun, thinking about his reaction when he glanced at the people on the local Xing, sure enough, the people there were all dumbfounded.

: Crazy, he, a bastard in the novice area, can actually block the attacks of Yuzaoqian and Deadpool?

: But he is No.1 in the novice area!

: Fart, Tamamo and Deadpool are both in the top ten in the high-level field, he is No. 1 in the novice area!
Seeing this, Lou Zhanxiao's eyes flickered, his thin lips curled up slightly, and after the shock, Jiang Chenyi obviously noticed something unusual, after he took a deep breath, he couldn't help but applaud Xia Xingxi.

"Your daughter-in-law is still the same cunning!"

"Deliberately used the title of No.1 in the novice area, so that the people there didn't look down on me from the beginning. After all, the number one in the novice area is not even a fart in the advanced field, and no one will pay attention to it. Well, the result, the result is wow, the number one in the novice area is a hidden money boss, and he blocked two masters in the high-level field with a shot. I think your wife should just change her name and call it directly: professional Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, this girl is too dark."

Because of this, she and Bill can cooperate seamlessly. Everyone thinks that this abuser of your family is a drag. Who knew that this guy was not only weak, but he was full of muscles when he pulled his vest, so strong that he could beat both of them together. The two guys in front of Yuzao were caught off guard, and Bill's astonishing Cannon fire, the exchange is full of the stimulation of masters' moves, and the winner is determined every minute, and the winner is determined by one blow!
"Hey, give me a clap!" Jiang Chenyi clapped his palms, he was really overwhelmed with admiration.

"I want to know now, who decided on this strategy, this is definitely a strategy that only super senior commanders can make, it's so perfect!"

(End of this chapter)

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