Chapter 229 Don't You Feel Ashamed?

Jiang Chen shook his head: "If it's Bill, with this command he can jump out of the circle of individual soldiers, and with a little training, he can become a master of both command and individual soldiers just like you!"

There are not many masters of dual systems, and it is very difficult in the entire Federation. Otherwise, the military department would not have tailor-made a Biying for Lou Zhanxiao.

When one side was full of enthusiasm, on the other side, the faces of Zhong Wu Guangxiong and Tu Xing's students were all ugly, and almost at the moment of losing, the members of the Fourth Army chose to leave on the spot and did not stay at all.

It seemed that it was too embarrassing to lose. After all, the battle ended in three seconds, which was simply unheard of.

Xia Xingxi controlled the abuser and your family to stand still, and then began to check her mecha.

After so long in PK, she can clearly feel the evolution of Baimang. She really has to thank the JQ pink Mary Su who has been killed countless times by herself. It has indeed improved.

So she squinted her eyes and scanned the inside of Baimang with the general, making sure that Baimang had broken through the D level and passed the C level.

what!It worked, really evolved!
The system she wrote for Baimang is a system that can evolve by itself. With the addition of the star beast shell and star beast nervous system, as long as there is a strong enough opponent, Baimang can evolve passively, and now it has really been achieved!

The only disadvantage is that the power stones bought this year can no longer be used, because D-level power stones cannot drive C-level mechas, and internal synthetic things such as muscle structures still need to be replaced.

Hey, I'm going to burn money again.

Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes, thinking that Lou Zhanxiao promised to give her the scattered materials of the star beast if she won, and she was immediately elated.

Very good, the mecha has been upgraded, and the materials are in place. It seems that I can save a lot of money.

As long as the materials can be replaced, her white light will soon stabilize at C-level. This will be the only local C-level mecha in the entire Blue Star, and it can still evolve!
As for Biying and Victoria, they are both Capital Star's mechs, only her white awn, a proper native C-level, ha, it's exciting to think about it!

"It doesn't count!"

Xiong Guang's roar came at noon, obviously very unconvinced, Xia Xingxi came back to her senses, and found that the students from the native star were still around, and even surrounded her and Bill.

"Bill, start again, let's compete, it doesn't count!"

Doesn't count?No matter you ghost, when you won, you publicized and belittled Bill everywhere, but now you lose?What the hell are you?

Xia Xingxi lowered her eyes gloomyly on the spot, but before she moved, a gloomy shadow stood in front of her and Bill, and Biying, who had been watching the battle, stood between them and Noon Guangxiong at this moment. This dark-colored mecha It's like containing the entire interstellar, inexplicably giving people a sense of vastness and mystery.

"Losing is losing."

Lou Zhanxiao went to the mic, full of protection, and his cold voice stalked into everyone's ears: "If you don't admit defeat, let's compete. We are all formal soldiers. Let's vent our anger on the students of the preparatory school." , don't you feel ashamed?"

The cold questioning came, and the tone was full of accusations. Xiong Guang naturally didn't dare to fight against Bi Ying at noon, because he knew that he would definitely not win!
(End of this chapter)

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