Chapter 230 Don't Please, Please
So he could only grit his teeth and snort coldly, and then reluctantly closed his mouth.

"let's go!"

As he said that, he was about to take people away, but before he could move, he was stopped by Xia Xingxi's mecha, and the four characters "abuse your family" above his head were bright and dazzling.

"Want to leave? The mecha stays first!"

It was agreed at the beginning that if you lose, you will keep the opponent's mecha. Now that Yuzao loses, you have to keep the mecha!

These words directly stunned several people. At noon, Xiong Guang wanted to play a rogue, but Lou Zhanxiao from the First Army was there, so he couldn't do anything, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "Do you take this kind of thing seriously?" ? How could the mech be easily given to someone else?"

"Pull it down!"

Xia Xingxi snorted coldly, with a look of contempt on her face: "When I won Bill, who chased after Bill to ask for Victoria? Why didn't you say that you couldn't take it seriously? And you shamelessly posted the video of Bill's loss everywhere. The whole federation must know about this matter, shameless should have a degree, if you don’t give mechas, no one will leave today!”

Xia Xingxi did her part, she didn't make any money and worked for nothing until now because of these two mechas, if she didn't give them, she wanted to leave, there was no way!

However, such an aggressive look fell into Bill's eyes, and Bill was suddenly moved inexplicably.

When he lost at the beginning, all the students in the reserve military academy pointed at him, but Xia Xingxi didn't say a word, and said that he could help him train. Now that he finally got back the glory, Xia Xingxi was the first to stand up for himself. It's not that she doesn't know anything, but she knows everything and understands his grievances better, so she stands up to defend herself now.

Having figured this out, Bill simply blocked the way of several people: "Mecha, take it out!"

In order to protect his own Xia Xingxi, he has to order this mecha today, so don't let anyone leave!

Xiong Guang at noon is going crazy, really want it?
He couldn't help frowning, and simply looked at Lou Zhanxiao: "Lieutenant Lou, you also know that in front of Yuzao is the battle armor of our Fourth Army. It is impossible to give this thing."

Just like Biying was the sword of the First Army, Tamamo-mae was also the weapon of the Fourth Army. This kind of thing cannot be lost privately.

However, Lou Zhanxiao's voice was unusually cold, he didn't care if he could lose privately, it was his little wife who wanted it now, and these people did lose.

"Since you know you can't give it casually, you still take it out as a bet, Xiong Guang at noon, you shouldn't say this to me, you should say it to yourself."

Lou Zhanxiao's words were to the point, and he slapped Noon Xiong Guang's face like a slap. This person who was shouting aggressively at the beginning was completely mute at the moment, and suddenly felt his face was dull.

What does it feel like to cheat yourself? This is the feeling!

It's so sad!
At noon, Xiong Guang was about to go crazy, but Lou Zhanxiao added it lukewarmly: "If you feel embarrassed to mention it, I can help you contact the Fourth Army and discuss the matter of paying Yuzaoqian compensation to us. "


But please don't, please!The people above can kill him on the spot!
At noon, Xiong Guang collapsed to the point where he couldn't do anything, so he contacted the higher-ups by himself. After all, it was more appropriate for him to contact than Lou Zhanxiao.

Seeing this aggressive guy acting like a dog now, all the anger and grievance in Bill's heart were swept away, and he felt extremely cute when he looked at the extremely gaudy mech beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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