Chapter 238 Get out of here
"What's the matter, tell me quickly?"

Xia Xingxi'an couldn't bear the excitement in her heart, it must be because something happened to cry so cruelly, could it be that Chen Feng, that stupid shop manager, got his head around it and started to punish Fiona?Ah ha ha ha, that would be great, this kind of guy who acts as a spy for others, it would be wrong not to deal with her.

"Miss Xia, since you're here, it's just right that you come with me!"

Fiona directly pulled Xia Xingxi up and walked out.

The main store's door is still closed, and Chen Feng is still on crutches, but he should be able to get off the crutches and stand up again in a month.

"Fiona, have you really gone to Miss Xia?" Chen Feng was a little anxious: "Didn't you say that I will handle it?"

"If you deal with a fart, you will be a bad person. Miss Xia, listen to me, he will only go back and forth as a peacemaker, which is useless at all. Why don't I be the store manager!"

One sentence directly exposed her thoughts. Fiona paused, turned her head to look at Xia Xingxi, and saw her staring at her with a smile. For some reason, her heart skipped a beat. She hurriedly said: "I , I just want to say that Chen Feng is actually pretty good."

"Well, let's go and have a look!"

Seeing Xia Xingxi's expression of indifference, Fiona breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that she had made a fuss out of a molehill, this Xia Xingxi was a fool, how could she care what she said?

Thinking of her crying again, she brought Xia Xingxi to the door of the financial office with aggrieved feelings.

Looking at the tightly closed room in front of him, Xia Xingxi's eyes flashed a dark and unclear color.

Anyone who runs a business knows that the financial office is the most important thing in an enterprise, and it is best for ordinary people to avoid this kind of place if there is nothing to do, but Fiona went to find herself after being wronged here.

Ha, Fiona, you really know how to find a place. It’s not good to go somewhere to do things. You have to come to the financial room to find fault, huh?
Xia Xingxi restrained her smile and watched Fiona's performance expressionlessly.

"Sun Meng! Get out!" Fiona stood outside the metal door and yelled, but there was no movement inside. Seeing this, Fiona became even more annoyed, and knocked on the door while saying, "Miss Xia is here! Come on, get out of here!"

Perhaps Xia Xingxi's name was useful. After a while, the closed metal door slowly opened a gap, and a dark eye glanced out, seeing that Xia Xingxi had really arrived, and then opened the door, but The door was not wide enough, just wide enough for everyone to see Sun Meng.

Seeing the door opened, Fiona rushed in without saying a word, and Sun Meng was so frightened that she wanted to close the door on the spot, but soon she found that she didn't have to close the door because Fiona couldn't come in.

Xia Xingxi hooked Fiona's back collar with one finger, and didn't see how much effort she put in, so Fiona was pulled back violently, and then took a few steps back in accordance with the inertia, which was dangerous stop.

"Miss Xia!" Fiona was stunned, and looked at Xia Xingxi in surprise. The people around were also shocked, and their eyes fell on her.

This young lady who has always been very talkative is still smiling at this moment, but that smile is a little more dangerous, making her beautiful face look a little more vicious and vicious.

"Fiona, I suddenly want to ask you, what are you going to do in the accounting room?"

The unhurried voice slowly sounded with a hint of coolness, which made Fiona calm down instantly, and she murmured: "I..."

(End of this chapter)

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