After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 239 Is She Really Just A Stupid Little Girl?

Chapter 239 Is She Really Just A Stupid Little Girl?

It wasn't until this moment that Fiona realized something and became nervous instantly, but Xia Xingxi obviously didn't want to listen to her anymore, instead she stopped at the door of the financial room, blocking there with a protective face on Sun Meng, and looked down at Fiao Na, said word by word.

"If I remember correctly, you only get in touch with finance when you pay your salary, and you don't have to come to the financial office, because every month's salary is sent directly to your brain, and we haven't started business yet , you have no reason to come to the accounting room without income and expenditure, so Ms. Fiona, can you tell me, what is the reason for you to come here?"

Xia Xingxi spoke word by word, until she finished speaking, a smile slowly appeared on her calm face, that smile was a bit dangerous, and it made Fiona's breath stop for an instant.

It was at this moment that she suddenly realized how terrifying Xia Xingxi was. She had always thought that she was just a silly little girl, but now it seemed that she was not.

But now that it's come to this point, she suddenly doesn't know whether she should speak out.

However, at this moment, Sun Meng spoke for her: "She wants to take away the gambling agreement."

As soon as these words came out, Fiona's heart skipped a beat, and the eyes she looked at Sun Meng became angry and fierce, and Xia Xingxi finally raised her eyebrows, and said in a long voice: "Oh~~"

The meaningful ending instantly made Fiona feel ashamed, and she quickly explained: "No, Miss Xia, I just think this thing is very important and should be kept by someone else. This Sun Meng is cold to everyone. Her There is a problem with your attitude, it is not suitable for keeping such an important thing!"

"That's it." Xia Xingxi stared at her, and suddenly asked word by word: "Then who do you think is suitable to keep this thing?"

This question caught Fiona directly, she really wanted to talk about herself, but at this moment her words were not convincing, so she could only bite the bullet and say: "Well, Chen Feng, the store manager, is more suitable."

Xia Xingxi looked directly at Chen Feng: "You asked her to get it?"

"No!!" Chen Feng hurriedly shook his head: "I don't know at all, Fiona, why didn't you notify me?"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Fiona bit her lips tightly. She thought that if she told Chen Feng, Xia Xingxi would pour her anger on Chen Feng's head. Who knew what this girl asked was wrong, but asked Chen Feng if he confessed it. Didn't he ask everything, not only can't frame Chen Feng, but also drag himself into the water, damn it!
Did this little girl ask this question on purpose, or did she just do it unintentionally?
Fiona couldn't figure it out for a while, but Xia Xingxi understood it clearly. She looked at everyone again and said, "I repeat, you can't come to a place like the financial office casually. If you have any questions in the future, you should first ask the store manager." , the store manager communicates directly with the financial office, if anyone dares to barge in privately, Sun Meng can not open the door, do you understand?"

After the cold reprimand, everyone was refreshed, and even Fiona nodded quickly. After the reprimand, Xia Xingxi let these people go to work, and even said nothing about Fiona's request to take away the gambling contract. Mention, as if nothing happened.

But this made Fiona fall into doubts.

Why didn't Xia Xingxi say anything about her because of this?

Did I think too much, Xia Xingxi is really just a silly little girl? ?

While staring at someone's leaving back, Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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