Chapter 241 Just Kill Him

Back at the maintenance office, I saw my father working hard on overhauling the mechs. The star beast materials that Xia Xingxi brought were all good things, which could just be used for the remaining mechas, and after polishing, they looked brand new.

Seeing her daughter come back, Xia Chen couldn't help but said, "What's going on with Fiona?"

"Come on, Dad, don't talk to her, keep her, this person will be of great use in the future, the kind who can kill the second uncle."

Hearing that Xia Chen turned her head and looked over, she looked at her daughter with some doubts in her eyes: "What else do you have in mind?"

Xia Xingxi smiled: "Dad, don't worry, if someone wants to make trouble, he must be the one who suffers. Also, don't you want Grandpa to get better?"

Mentioning Xia Zhidong, Xia Chen's eyes suddenly turned red. He turned his head to continue installing the parts, and said, "Of course, I wish I could get it back to Xia's Mecha Chain Store quickly, and then take your grandfather over. The old man has been working in Xia Chen I'm really worried about seeing this beast, and your grandfather's illness, if Xia Chenguan doesn't treat him, I'll treat him!"

Seeing that her father's voice was choked up, Xia Xingxi patted her father's shoulder, and comforted her: "Don't worry, Dad, Grandpa will get better after he comes over, for sure!"

Xia Chenyou didn't know that his father's madness was faking, and thought it was the stars comforting him, and couldn't help being moved again.

"Your second uncle is really too much." Xia Chenyou couldn't help complaining: "You actually excluded us from the official website of Xia's Mecha Chain Store, this is really going to kill us."

Mentioning this matter, Xia Chen got angry. Obviously everyone was on the website of Xia's Mecha Chain Store at the beginning, and even the main store occupied a very large page, but now it's all right, Xia Chenguan is shameless Their stuff doesn't talk about martial arts, and they are removed from the webpage in minutes. I'm afraid they don't want them to die!

"No, I'll tell him what I'm talking about!" Saying that, without waiting for Xia Xingxi to stop him, Xia Chenyou sent a message to Xia Chenguan, who deliberately waited for a long time to get through, even the voice was full of disdain.

"Hey, brother, why, this business can't continue, then give me the main store and your repair shop!"

"Damn! Xia Chenguan, you are still not a human being. Hurry up and restore our main store to the official website. We are together in the first place. Why did you exclude the main store!"

"Ha!" Xia Chenguan sneered: "Didn't I tell you that from that day on, you will do yours and I will do mine, it has nothing to do with each other. If you are capable, you should also set up a website, I will definitely not be jealous!"

After saying that, he hung up the communication, Xia Chenguan snorted coldly, jealous ass, even if you are a website, you are still pulling your hips, not only the sales volume is not as good as his, but the traffic is at the bottom, there is still more than half a year before the end of the year Yue, Xia Chen has, I'm waiting to see how you die!

The man thought viciously, but Xia Chenyou on the other side was about to die of anger. He gritted his teeth and stared at the pitch-black light screen, and directly smashed the tool in his hand.

"This dog!"

"Dad, calm down."

Seeing her father getting angry, Xia Xingxi was very calm, and even said slowly, "Isn't it just a website? I'll do it, don't worry, not only will it not be worse than Second Uncle's website, but it will also make Second Uncle greedy to death!"

In other words, she will make Uncle Er regret everything he did today.

So, stop playing, this time, just kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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