Chapter 242 Definitely Killing Him This Time

"So Dad, you just need to fix all the mechs, and I'll do the rest, this time I'll definitely kill him!"

After returning from her father's side, Xia Xingxi started to build a website.

As for the website, it's very easy to make. She finished it in one night. It's just because there is no mecha now, so the sales platform of the website is empty, but this does not affect Xia Xingxi's picture of Baimang. By the way: The classic good goods will be on the shelves at the end of the year, so stay tuned.

After finishing all this, she threw the website into the live broadcast room, which immediately attracted many fans to watch.

: Damn, there is nothing in the empty shell?I thought I could buy your mecha!

: The main store of Xia's Mecha chain store?Huh, I remember there is a website for Xia's Mech Chain Store?

: Rabbit, what are you doing?Are you from Xia's Mech Chain Store?
Xia's mecha chain store is very famous in Blue Star, and Xia Xingxi's live broadcast room has many Blue Star fans, so they are naturally familiar with this name.

At this time, Lou Zhanxiao, who had been following Rabbit's live broadcast room, also noticed this website, and the words Xia's Mecha Chain Store on it attracted his attention.

If I remember correctly, this main store is already owned by Xing Xing, but the anchor rabbit is advertising Xing Xing's store, what is the relationship between the two of them?I remember Xing Xing said last time, fan benefits and so on, but fan benefits can be obtained until now? ?

At this moment, everyone was full of doubts. After all, no one knew where this rabbit came from and who it was. Now, if there is any detail about her origin, no one would waste it.

Xia Xingxi naturally knew what these people meant, and said on the spot: "Among the people I know, she opened an armor shop. She said it was sold, but she can't sell it on the live broadcast platform, or sell it to a third party. It's better for me to just collect money."

To put it bluntly, it is to be a hands-off shopkeeper, without delivering goods or contacting these people, just collecting money.

Seeing this, many fans looked regretful.

: Dizzy, you still don't show up after doing it for a long time!
: Rabbit, can you not be so cautious, knowing your resistance, we can't do anything to you!
If it is sold on the live broadcast platform, there will be a delivery address, so that everyone can know where the rabbit is, and it is still a mystery where the rabbit is handed over to a third party.

: And if you give points to a third party in this way, you earn less, rabbit, or sell it yourself and earn more, think about it?
The crowd continued to agitate, Xia Xingxi ignored them, took out the finished mecha and said, "I'm going to press the arm nerves of a star beast today, and if I want to buy it at the website of the main store of Xia's Mecha Chain Store at the end of the year, it won't wait until the expiration date." .”

After finishing talking, they stopped talking to them, leaving only the fans crying and howling, but they couldn't help it, because it was better than nothing.

At this time, Lou Zhanxiao also squinted his eyes, and after being so vigilant for a long time, the rabbit did not sell it himself but gave it to the stars. Indeed, if it is a trustworthy fan, it is naturally easier and more secretive than selling it himself. Giving the stars white light is to test the credibility of the stars.

Now that the stars are trustworthy, the rabbit will naturally proceed to the next step, selling the expensive mechs to the stars.

Having figured this out, Lou Zhanxiao turned his head and looked at the calendar. There was still half a month before the end of the year, and it passed quickly, almost in the blink of an eye.

So he immediately saved the website address of the main store of Xia's Mecha Chain Store, after all, he planned to silently help his little wife.

On the other side, at midnight at the main store of Xia's Mecha Chain Store, a figure quietly walked into the accounting room, and the general who had been monitoring here suddenly said happily: "Miss, your bait has entered the net!"

(End of this chapter)

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