Chapter 251 Xia Xingxi You Are The Devil
In other words, there are not only Blue Star people who come to browse the website!But Xia's Mecha is not popular in the Federation at all, but it is still recognized in Blue Star. How did people from other planets be attracted? He obviously didn't see Xia Xingxi's advertisement!
Xia Chenguan was going crazy, but the number of pageviews on the webpage was not fake, and it was still rising after the number of people exceeded [-] million. The number was faster than a stopwatch, and Xia Chenguan's heart was also beating crazily when it exploded.

Even if he didn't want to, the last thing he wanted to see happened, and that was the price of these mechs.

It was obviously a pile of junk, but it was sold by auction, with a starting price of 300 million. Then he saw that the numbers of these auctions flickered like sparks, and it dazzled him every minute.

"Why, how could this happen??"

Xia Chenguan himself was dumbfounded, the man who was still strong now fell heavily on the sofa with his knees limp, his eyes were like seeing a ghost, he didn't look at anything but just stared at these numbers.

However, these numbers are everywhere, where there are mechas, there are these numbers, and Xia Xingxi, the little devil, seems to be afraid that he will not see it, so he deliberately pulled out a bunch of light screens, and placed them all in Xia Chenguan In front of him, these light screens that can be projected directly in the air without any carrier are hovering in front of Xia Chenguan all the time. These jumping numbers cannot be avoided even if Xia Chenguan closes his eyes. It will dance on the eyelids, it is pervasive, haunting him like a ghost, making him hover on the verge of collapse!

damn it!Xia Xingxi!
The devil!You are the devil, the devil! !
Knowing what he didn't want to see the most, he piled up all the things he didn't want to see in front of him. These two hours were a torment for him all the time, and he could only watch helplessly. The price of the mecha gradually stopped after soaring, and finally it was sold at a sky-high price that he had never seen before! !
What the hell price is this?

The mecha made by Yue'er is already the best in the store, and it was only sold at a price of 2000. Now Xia Xingxi's mecha here is priced at 90 to 4000. There are even some idiots. Are these people crazy for spending six or seven thousand to take photos of these remodeled garbage?
Xia Chenguan clutched his chest, his heart ached to death, he collapsed to the point of collapse, this blow was too big for him, the kind that could be fatal.

So he could only turn his head stiffly and stare at Xia Xingxi, gnashing his teeth word by word, asking, "Where did you get so many crazy people to bid for your mecha, where did you get it!!"

Crazy, must be a group of lunatics, what I left behind is obviously worthless rags, but now it has been multiplied by tens of millions, tens of millions of times! !Going out to rob is not so fast! !

"Heh, Second Uncle, don't worry about who took the picture. You have no restrictions on who can't take pictures, right?" The little devil smiled very proudly, his dark eyes were clear and merciless, and the corner of his mouth was just the right amount of sarcasm. An angry Xia Chenguan yelled: "Fake, all fake, everything on the Internet is fake!"

Xia Xingxi snorted coldly and waved her hands: "Shop Manager Chen Feng, please make an order and contact the courier. Our goods are all sold out within two hours!"

It's just... super cool, isn't it, huh?
(End of this chapter)

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