Chapter 252 No, I Don't Want to Know

"Less than two hours." Chen Feng was extremely rigorous: "It's one hour and 45 minutes."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The general laughed so hard that he was about to roll over. Looking at Xia Chenguan's face, the expression had never been more wonderful. It's amazing. It's so funny that human beings can make such an expression.

The little parrot was so excited that it landed on Chen Feng's shoulder on the spot. This guy's legs were finally good and he didn't need to use crutches. He walked towards the warehouse in high spirits. The wind opened the door of the warehouse before, and then he was dumbfounded.

The warehouse, which is obviously empty, is full of packed mechs at the moment, and there are a few unpacked ones, which are all the same as the mechas introduced on the webpage. They are simply real entities that cannot be more real , is not fake at all!

Xia Chenguan collapsed and trembled all over, and the little devil followed him like a shadow, and said coldly behind him: "Second Uncle said how much your own annual performance is, oh, yes, 16 billion, then, Second Uncle, now Do you want to take a look at the performance of our store in less than two hours, huh?"

Even without looking back, Xia Chenguan could still see Xia Xingxi's smile at this time, she must be extremely proud, her red lips curled up in a sarcastic arc, her dark eyes stared at herself deeply, full of pride!

God damn it!

"No, I don't want to know!"

Xia Chenguan suddenly didn't want to know. He sold a mecha for three times the price of his own. Even if he didn't sell as much as himself, the total value was enough to surpass his own. And this was just less than two hours of performance. Hours, grass!

Why did I foolishly agree to Xia Xingxi to postpone the time to six o'clock? For this little devil, I should not give her a second, not a second!

He turned his head and wanted to leave here, but was stopped by Chen Feng and others. All the old, weak, sick and disabled left behind in this dilapidated storefront, but now these three old, weak, sick and disabled surrounded him, and they didn't want to let him go at all. !

"What are you doing! Against you!"

Chen Feng said expressionlessly, "Mr. Xia, the VAM agreement has been signed, and it's the end of the year. If you have to fulfill the agreement, you can't leave."

"Chen Feng, you, you..." Xia Chenguan pointed at him from the air, his fingers trembling: "Don't forget, who trained you!"

"I don't dare to be a trainer." Chen Feng was a little less silly and sweet. During this period of time, he began to supplement various sales manuals, and he understood a little bit: "Mr. Xia took away all the good things. , isn’t it all unnecessary things to stay here? It’s more appropriate to say it’s cultivation, but it’s more appropriate to say it’s abandonment, isn’t it?”

It's not really stupid, he was a little skeptical at the beginning, but he was too stupid to think about it. Now that he has enriched himself after reading the book, he turns around and realizes that he is really the trash that was abandoned and completely unnecessary!

So he also fully understood, since this is the case, there is no relationship to talk about, let's just discuss the matter!

After a few words, Xia Chenguan's face changed suddenly, he gritted his teeth and stared back at Xia Xingxi: "Do you have to do everything right?"

Ha, absolutely?Who is the master from the beginning to the end?From getting their father and daughter into the underground arena at the beginning, to killing them all, and now they are going to let their father and daughter get out of Blue Star, who is the one who did everything!

"You can pull it down!" Xia Xingxi was speechless: "If the second uncle wins, will you still say this? You will definitely do the best, and you will drive me and Dad out of Blue Star, so don't talk too much It’s time to spray manure, Second Uncle, let’s start directly!”

(End of this chapter)

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