Chapter 253 Really, So Miserable

"Sun Meng, show Second Uncle a good look at the performance report!"

"Good Miss Xia."

Sun Meng clicked on the financial intelligence brain on the spot and manipulated one of the light screens. The screen on the screen also changed directly from the website to the financial background. The numbers on it had just been settled. It was a long string of numbers, densely packed, with punctuation marks Separated, Xia Chenguan looked dizzy again.

"One, ten, one hundred..."

Xia Chen watched and counted, his voice trembling unconsciously, and he stared at the numbers on the screen with some collapse, until he counted to one billion.

Yes, the performance of less than two hours is enough to equal the performance of one's best store in one year!

The one-year performance of my best store is only 16 billion, while Xia Xingxi's two-hour performance is 3000 billion!

More than 20 billion!The performance in less than two hours is more than 5 million, more than 5 million! !

Those stores with mediocre performance in my hand did not have a yearly performance of [-] million yuan, but now, the price difference between the two parties has reached [-] million yuan, which is worth a year's performance of an ordinary storefront, damn it!
Xia Chenguan is about to collapse, he can't say a word now, the mech is not fake, because the goods are right in front of him, the performance is not fake, and the financial department will only reimburse the account when it receives the money, all of this is in vain. She slapped her face and kept telling him that all this was real, not a dream!

Xia Xingxi really did it, what he always thought was impossible!
Damn it!
When Xia Chenguan was angry, someone walked in slowly, the sound of military boots stepping on the floor was extremely loud and clear, and everyone's eyes followed him, and they could see the tall figure walking over in the setting sun .

The uniform for the certificate, the awe-inspiring expression, and every move are full of iron and blood majesty, and the icy cold eyes look over from under the brim of the hat.

"Lou, Lieutenant Lou!" Xia Chenguan was even more shocked, why did Lou Zhanxiao come?

Xia Chenyou also frowned, obviously still very dissatisfied with this uncle.

"Xing Xing, you still have two mechas for sale, right? Those who want to buy them have already blown up my communication."

Also, there are mechs?
Xia Chenguan is crazy, earning more than 20 billion, you tell me that there are still mechas that haven't been sold?

He looked at Xia Xingxi quickly, the little devil looked like he had forgotten, and then reluctantly took out the two mechas from the space folder, feeling extremely depressed, alas, good things still can't be kept. .

One is shaped like a fox, and the other looks ordinary, but its lethality is far higher than that of ordinary civilian mechs.

Xia Chenguan was dumbfounded.

"This, is this a military mecha?? Xia Xingxi, you are crazy, you dare to sell a military mecha? I want to report you, report you!"

Xia Chenguan directly dialed the report number of the military department, and sent the pictures along the way, but after seeing the pictures of the two mechas, he hung up the phone directly, and reported?Hehe, the Fourth Army, as the master of the mechs, agrees to it, what a fart they are messing with!

So the ambitious Xia Chenguan was just ignored~~

"what is this!!!"

In the empty mecha shop, Xia Chenguan's roar echoed continuously in the empty hall, the voice was really full of heart-wrenching helplessness and despair.

Really, how miserable!
(End of this chapter)

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