After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 254 On how quickly one person can collapse

Chapter 254 On how quickly a person can collapse
On how quickly a person can collapse.

The collapse of Xia Chenguan happened in the blink of an eye, and this guy has now collapsed.

Is there no one who sells military mechs now?Why did the reporting office hang up my phone?Obviously I am a good citizen who actively reports, why is it ignored directly, why? ?

There were 1 question marks on his head, and he couldn't lift his head up like the top of a hill.

But these are not the most deadly, the most deadly are the words of this little devil, Xia Xingxi.

"Ah, there are still 15 minutes and it's not six o'clock, so let's hang up and continue shooting."

Xia Chenguan: ...

still shoot?

You have earned 21 billion, still filming?

He raised his head up, stared at the only light screen above his head, watched the mecha hang up, and then the moment the auction started, the price soared from 300 million star coins to [-] million.

Xia Chenguan: ...

This isn't a mecha, it's an interstellar vehicle, right?
However, what made him collapse even more was that the 1 billion lasted for less than three seconds before becoming 30 billion, then 30 billion, and finally fixed at [-] billion within [-] minute, and finally ended up with [-] billion. The price of [-] million was sold.

30 billion? ! !Still sold? ?
Xia Chenguan rolled his eyes and felt dizzy, he felt that he needed to suck up a mecha, 30 billion a mecha?Are you crazy? ?

Just when he was so shocked by the price that he couldn't help himself, the voice of the little devil slowly sounded: "30 billion, is it a little less?"

This is before Yuzao, just give her 30 billion?
Lou Zhanxiao also felt that it was a little less, so he contacted the Fourth Army on the spot: the price was too low.

The eyelids of the people in the Fourth Army started to twitch, but there was nothing they could do. The mecha was in their hands, so it was impossible not to raise the price, so three seconds later, 30 billion became 50 billion, and Xia Xingxi was satisfied.

The two mechs were auctioned for a total of 80 billion yuan, Xia Xingxi grinned.

After all, other mechas have cost input, and these two mechas are simply for nothing. Unfortunately, I can't keep them, so I can only exchange them for money. Hey, what a pity!

Xia Xingxi smiled, and turned her head to look at the finances. Sun Meng understood what she meant in seconds. She first looked at her watch, and then said: "It is now 59:59, and the performance in one hour and 830 minutes is [-] billion. .”

Xia Chenguan rolled his eyes, kill me, really, don't let me live in such pain, the world is not worth it, not worth it! !
In two hours, the sales were more than 100 billion, and in the end, two military mechs were sold. Madman, what a madman, Xia Xingxi, you are such a madman!

Xia Chenguan felt that he couldn't do it anymore, and his three views were shattered, it was simply terrible.

There was silence around for a while, and no one spoke, but this couldn't stop the happy smiles on everyone's faces. Everyone stared at Xia Chenguan, whose face was as white as paper. It was as if he had died once before. Drenched in cold sweat, as if just fished out of the water.

Reality, it's too embarrassing. Although 21 billion is a lot, it is only 100 million more than myself. Now it has soared to more than [-] billion, which is almost seven times as much as myself, seven times!
This is simply crushing one's own existence, proper crushing.

Even though it was silent, Xia Chenguan understood his situation very well, but he really didn't want that moment to come.

But even if he didn't want it anymore, there were still people who wanted it, such as the little devil Xia Xingxi, she just stared at Xia Chenguan with a smile, and continued to say things that broke him down.

"Second Uncle, you lost, hand over all the stores of Xia's Mecha Chain Store!"

(End of this chapter)

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