Chapter 256 Enforcement
Fiona tried her best to ridicule everyone again, but this time no one spoiled her anymore, and even everyone laughed, yes, everyone laughed at her.

"It's really stupid!"

"That's right, I don't know when it was exposed!"

"Now I still feel like I'm pretending."

"Hey, what a silly girl."

Uncle Liu, Aunt Zhao, you said something to me, under the verbal criticism of the two old people, Fiona couldn't hold her face anymore, she turned her head and looked at Xia Xingxi: "When did you see it?"

Xia Xingxi also smiled: "The first day here!"

"Impossible!" Fiona yelled strangely, how could she see it on the first day?

"Do you want to know why?"


Xia Xingxi smiled: "You said bad things about everyone..."

"That's it?" Fiona screamed strangely, how could she tell the difference just because of this?

"Hey, I haven't finished talking yet. Also, I controlled all the computers and smart devices here that day. Do you want to watch the communication video between you and my second uncle?"

Having said that, Fiona was speechless for a moment. Her face was flushed, and she suddenly looked up and looked around, looking at the sweeping robot passing by, and then at the various air conditioners, heating and circuit switches. She suddenly understood everything and collapsed on the spot.

"Are you playing with me?"

"No, no, how can you say it so badly?" Xia Xingxi shook her head: "Why is this called playing with you? This is called playing with you, holding hands, throwing handkerchiefs, what do you think?"

Playing with you?Don't put it so harshly, haven't you played with these people too?Just each other.

"So what, I still got the gambling agreement!"

She poked her neck and argued hard, Xia Xingxi nodded: "Yes, it's just that I asked you to take it."

As she said that, she looked at Xia Chenguan and said with a smile, "Second Uncle, don't you think your share is fake?"


Xia Chenguan was stunned. He always thought that he had a chance to win, but it turned out that the betting agreement was fake?how is this possible!


"Maybe." Xia Xingxi said very patiently, "Aren't you curious where the real VAM agreement is?"

Xia Chenguan finally panicked. He subconsciously raised his head to look at the financial department, but there were messy footsteps behind him.

A group of uniformed people rushed in and surrounded Xia Chenguan.

"Mr. Xia, we are people from the business supervision platform. After checking all the information, it shows that you lost. According to the gambling agreement, all the Xia's mech chain stores under your name will be transferred to Mr. Xia Chenyou's name, and now more than At six, the agreement will be enforced."

Strong, strong, enforceable?
Xia Chenguan was about to twitch, he broke down and shouted: "Liar, there is no agreement at all, the agreement has been torn up by me, torn up!"

"No, Miss Xia has already handed over the agreement to our business supervision platform, and we will enforce everything."

"No, you don't have this right. Only our old man Xia Zhidong has this right. His seal is meaningless, because this is the property of our Xia family. Only our old man has the right to speak. You don't have the right to speak." ,No!"

Xia Chenguan broke down and yelled, grasping at the last straw and refusing to let go, even more steadfastly refusing to cooperate.

But at this moment, the majestic and solemn voice of the old man suddenly sounded at the door: "I have stamped it, and I agree to carry it out."

(End of this chapter)

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