Chapter 257

The voice lifted everyone's spirits, Xia Chen had a look of surprise, and Xia Chenguan had a look of shock.

Everyone looked at the door, the figure of the old man was tall and straight, his steps were vigorous, and he didn't look weak like a wheelchair, and his expression was solemn and elegant, just like the old fool who sat in a wheelchair and could only talk nonsense. Personally!


Two voices, one extremely surprised and the other extremely terrified, the two sons expressed their feelings with completely different expressions, and Xia Zhidong had a panoramic view of all of this.

"Dad, you, are you alright?" Xia Chen was extremely happy, but Xia Chenguan's eyes were filled with fear: "How is it possible, how is it possible?"

He looked at these people on the business supervision platform and roared: "He is crazy, his words are meaningless, he is sick!"

The people on the business supervision platform looked at each other and frowned. The leading man said: "Mr. Xia Chenguan, I think you may not have understood that Mr. Xia Zhidong came with a health certificate from a mental hospital. He is now It's very normal, there is no problem at all, that's why we judge that his seal is legally valid, so this gambling agreement will take effect, well, we're just here to inform you about this matter, the remaining property rights are excessive and so on We will complete the formalities by ourselves."

After finishing speaking, the people on the business supervision platform took a step back one after another, turned around and left without even giving Xia Chenguan a chance to argue.

"No, no, no!"

Xia Chenguan frantically wanted to catch up, but was grabbed by the bodyguards behind Xia Zhidong, and then threw it back on the spot. The old man looked at all this indifferently, with one hand supporting his cane and the other hand holding up a handkerchief, Covering his mouth and nose with dignity, he wiped gently.

"It's up to you to enforce it."

This is the second sentence Xia Zhidong came here to say.

Until this moment, Xia Chenguan stared at the old man with a broken face, gritted his teeth and said, "Have you been pretending to be crazy?"

"Or wait for you to kill your father?"

The cold questioning tone immediately made Xia Chenguan angry from embarrassment. He got up and wanted to rush over, but was thrown out again by the bodyguards behind the old man. Soon he was held down by the bodyguards again and brought to the old man.

Xia Zhidong was unusually calm, the completely normalized old thing was unsteady, he said without changing his face: "I have already sent what you did to the police station, you are my son, a tiger does not eat its own child, I will not What to do with you, but Chen You is also my son, and Xing Xing is also my granddaughter, it would be unfair to them not to deal with you, so let the just law judge your crime."

After finishing speaking, the old man waved his hand, and the bodyguard immediately left according to Xia Chenguan, leaving only the man's unwilling growl: "Dad, you can't treat me like this, I am obviously better than your elder brother, why don't the mecha shop Give it to me, why!!"

But Xia Chenguan is destined not to get an answer, because he has been dragged out and disappeared from everyone's sight forever.

It wasn't until all this was done that the entire hall fell silent.

Seeing that her backer was gone, Fiona panicked on the spot, thinking that Xia Chenguan would definitely win, but who knew that such a reversal would happen in the end, even this crazy old man was normal, what kind of fantasy is this? miracle?

In order to protect herself, Fiona also went all out and knelt down for Xia Xingxi with a plop on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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