Chapter 266 Who is so fierce?
"Damn! Who is so fierce?"

Xia Xingxi stared at the light screen with fear for a while, and the general even wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on his head, after all, he couldn't sweat because he was covered in hair.

"Master, I was negligent, and finally found out that someone had broken into the system."

The general has sympathy, and he was invaded without knowing it. It doesn't know it. It's a terrible opponent.

"It's not your problem. It can only be that the other party is smarter than you. Who the hell is checking me? Damn it!"

Could it be an old enemy from the previous life?But she obviously didn't show any flaws, and no one would have guessed about her rebirth. Furthermore, finding her is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack for the trillions of people in the entire Federation, and it is impossible at all.

Xia Xingxi frowned, and waited quietly for a long time. Seeing that there was no abnormality in the brain, she was relieved. If she didn't come again, it should be just a non-targeted cyber attack. It seems that the other party is unconscious and doesn't know who she is.

That's good, now her strength is not enough to compete with that person, otherwise she wouldn't have been so obediently staying in Blue Star to improve herself.

Yes, promotion, only by constantly improving herself can she truly crush all the scum under her feet.

"Xing Xing, are you asleep? Someone is looking for you!" Outside, the head of the dormitory, Guo Wanjia, knocked on her door.

Wen Xinhong took a step back and stared at the tower-shaped building at least five meters high in amazement.

Star, why do you want to live here?Isn't it nice to live in the spacious and bright single dormitory downstairs?
In the room, Xia Xingxi scratched her head, opened the door with a puzzled face, and the person she saw was unexpected.

Wen Xinhong is here.

"The stars..."

Xia Xingxi followed the trend and was about to close the door. The startled Wen Xinhong rushed up, stretched out her feet and squeezed into the crack of the door on the spot. She was about to burst into tears, but she still held back her smile and looked at Guo Wanjia: "Student, can you?" Shall we chat alone?"

Guo Wanjia didn't know what was going on, but he still said, "Xing Xing, call me if you need something."

After finishing speaking, he took a long look at Wen Xinhong before leaving, after all, he could also sense that something was wrong now.

It wasn't until watching the person leave that Wen Xinhong smiled and said: "Xing Xing, I was wrong before, I was the one who believed Xia Yueer's nonsense, Xing Xing, don't get acquainted with a person who has no backbone like me, okay?" ? I know you hate me, and I know that the mistakes I made cannot be made up for, but, but at least, can we restore a normal relationship, such as having a good chat and drinking tea or something..."

The foot hurts to death, Wen Xinhong's eyes turned red from the pain while talking, Xia Xingxi frowned, and looked down at the stubborn and unyielding foot in the crack of the door: "Take it out, please."

Wen Xinhong gritted his teeth: "Then you will never see me again."


Xia Xingxi was a little speechless, opened the door and walked out on the spot: "Can I take out your feet now?"

"Well, yes, yes..." As he said that, tears flowed down his face. Wen Xinhong felt that his feet were so painful that he couldn't feel them, so he pulled out his feet in a jerk, and Xia Xingxi also slammed the door, turned his head and walked out.


Wen Xinhong chased after him, but unfortunately his feet were weak and he fell directly to the ground: "Ouch..."

She was in so much pain that Xia Xingxi finally stopped, turned around and said, "Don't come again, I don't hate you, you are just stupid, but as a woman, you can't be stupid all your life, you have to learn to be smart."

(End of this chapter)

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