Chapter 267 Star Beast Raid
Women, it is easy to become stupid, because you can only handle it when you are stupid. Men want women to be stupid, and mothers-in-law want women to be stupid, so sweet words are the easiest way to fool women. Be a woman, don't be stupid.

She only wore it after she got married. What happened before marriage has nothing to do with her. It is hard to say whether Wen Xinhong's guilt is for the current self or the previous self, but she does not resent this woman. Think in another way. For a moment, even if she has been nagged by someone for three years, it is inevitable that she will be prejudiced against a person, so there is no extra emotion, that's all.

Perhaps her gaze was too direct, Wen Xinhong bit her lip, got up with difficulty, and lowered her head in despair: "Sorry Xing Xing, you are right, I am really stupid, but Zhan Xiao is innocent , he doesn't know anything, really."

"That's his business." Xia Xingxi said, "It's not your business, let alone mine."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and left, she could see Lou Zhanxiao standing there at the end of her gaze, she didn't know how long this person had been watching there, but Xia Xingxi didn't panic at all.

She said that you can't be stupid to be a woman, and you can't be timid at the same time. When you are strong enough, there is no heat to bully you.

So she walked up to meet Lou Zhanxiao's eyes, stared at him, and said directly: "What do you want to say?"

The man's eyes passed her, and he looked directly at Wen Xinhong, his tone became more indifferent: "Why are you here?"


Wen Xinhong didn't expect to run into his son, and was immediately extremely embarrassed.

"No, just come and see where you work, and I'll go..."

Speaking of her getting up with difficulty and moving outside, Lou Zhanxiao lowered his gaze, and walked forward anyway, seeing someone supporting him.

"Xing Xing, you don't have to worry about her." Lou Zhanxiao's voice was cold, Xia Xingxi didn't respond, but Wen Xinhong became more and more dejected, and when she walked to a place where no one was around, she couldn't help but say to her son: "Xing Xing If you refuse to forgive me, what should I do? Is it because I listened to other people's words that I have to die to apologize?"

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about?" Lou Zhanxiao frowned, but Wen Xinhong felt wronged, his feet really hurt.

"Although I despised her, I never hurt her. I was wrong, but Xia Yue'er was the one who made the most mistakes. Now the consequences are too serious, too serious..."

"Here, medicine." A familiar voice cut in abruptly, which startled Wen Xinhong. She looked back in surprise, and saw a bottle of ointment lying on Xia Xingxi's white and tender palm, which was specially used for traumatic injuries.

"Xing Xing!" Wen Xinhong was moved and wanted to cry, but Xia Xingxi just indifferently stuffed the ointment into her, then turned and left.


Wen Xinhong let out a long sigh, this child is really stubborn...

Just when he was about to open his mouth to say something, a shrill siren sounded all over the campus. The siren sounded like a flat-bottomed thunder, and then a transparent defensive medium suddenly rose from all sides of the school. Suddenly, everyone's heads were covered by a faint blue light. Colored film wrapping.

"What, what's going on!"

Wen Xinhong was so frightened that she was so familiar with this kind of siren. After marrying Lou Zhennan, she often heard this kind of sound.

"Lou Zhanxiao!!" Jiang Chen came running from a distance very fast, with an extremely serious expression: "The star beast raided, the Blue Star global defense device was activated, follow me to the Blue Star military headquarters!"

Star Beast... surprise attack? !

(End of this chapter)

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