Chapter 268

The situation became tense in an instant.

Lou Zhanxiao even stuffed Wen Xinhong into his aircraft directly, and the brain sent him home first, then turned to look at Xia Xingxi.

The woman raised her head and stared at the sky calmly. The blue sky was dyed a strange color by layers of defensive devices. The strange vortex formed by space distortion could be seen on the outermost side. There seemed to be blood-red eyes shining inside, like The most beautiful nebula in the interstellar world.

But that's no scenery, that scarlet flash represents danger.

"Xing Xing, go to the shelter and don't come out no matter what happens!"

The man yelled, this was the last word he said when he left the reserve military academy, his destination was the front line in outer space, the blue star was too big, and Xia Xingxi who was in the blue star was too small, he couldn't protect her, he could only beg her safety.

In the midst of the chaos, Xia Xingxi's eyes fell on Lou Zhanxiao from the chaotic rushing crowd. The man's back was still tall and unrestrained. to die.

In the distance, the mechs that were smaller than the stars could be seen rising into the sky, the frontline sentinel mechas had been dispatched, and the flying mechas followed closely behind, densely packed like locusts passing through, and then she saw a shining mecha among them. The mecha with golden light, that is Bill's Victoria.

"Xia Xingxi! You crazy!"

Jonny rushed out from nowhere, grabbed Xia Xingxi and ran towards the place where the crowd was running wildly.

"What time is it and there is still time to watch the excitement, what a fart, you don't know how you will die in a while!" Does this woman know the danger?Do you know what the star beast raid represents?You are so bold to look up and visit, damn, you are such an ignorant woman!
Running all the way, the students were crowded, the military cap badge fell off the ground, and someone's boots were lying alone on the ground. In front of me was the thick alloy door of the refuge. At the moment when the door was about to close, Joan With his last breath, Ni pulled Xia Xingxi into it.

"Xing Xing! You are so anxious to death!"

Martha and Li Xiaochen also surrounded her. If Li Xiaochen hadn't contacted Xia Xingxi and found that she couldn't get in touch, maybe the door of the shelter was closed and they didn't realize that there was one person missing!

"Johnny, thank you!"

Martha couldn't help but thank you, Jonny wiped his sweat and said, "I saw my brother's mech."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at everyone hiding in the shelter, and deliberately raised his voice: "Those who can participate in actual combat are soldiers, and military students are not qualified. Even if my brother repeats his studies, his glory is still there. No one of you is better than me." No way!"

The strong attitude and tone, the gleam and relief in the eyes, all of these are reflected in the young master of the O'Neill family, all of which are full of dignity and arrogance, but the dignity and arrogance of Jonny at this moment do not make people feel disgust.

Seeing this, Xia Xingxi smiled, and suddenly said: "I'm quite envious of your brother, to be honest, I want to go too."

Just now I really wanted to go, I wanted to drive a mech to gallop across the stars, it felt really cool.

"Hmph, you, you should deal with your final grades first, you have already deducted [-] points so far! Xia Xingxi, you can't be the first this time, you, it would be great if you don't hang up!"

Jonny moaned, the dream was not small, but it was only a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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