Chapter 269 Alarm
Xia Xingxi smiled, and didn't explain. It was unnecessary. When the time came, these people would be convinced even without an explanation.

However, the students in the refuge looked at me and I looked at you, and they were a little more in awe of Jonny.

In the ear, the alarm sound continued.

The elongated sound stimulated the eardrums, and made many students nervous and frightened. The time passed by every minute. There was no sunlight in the shelter and they couldn't see outside. They didn't know day and night, let alone what happened outside.

The seniors of the logistics department organized and opened the warehouse where the materials were stored. According to the ratio of personnel, they compressed biscuits, water, and canned food. This was their food in the shelter.

The crowd huddled together and huddled together. The military students were just students. No one had experienced such a thing. They huddled together and shivered like ordinary people, until the whole earth trembled violently like an earthquake!

It seemed that something huge had hit the ground, and then it was like a meteor shower hitting the ground densely. The rumbling sound was continuous, and trembling people couldn't even squat stably.


Some of the timid ones screamed in fright, and the seniors at the headquarters scolded angrily: "Shut up, military school students are so timid!"

However, although the voice was suppressed, the crying was still there. This was probably the closest they were to death.


bump! !

The sound outside continued, there was the sound of firefighting, Xia Xingxi listened silently, and kept distinguishing, this is the sound of cannons, this is the sound of gunshots, this is the sound of cold weapons piercing the star beast's flesh, probably knives...

She didn't need to look, she could imagine the tragic situation outside, just like the previous Battle of Cavendish, wreckage everywhere and blood everywhere, that was war.

"Xing Xing, are you afraid?"

Li Xiaochen stared at the ceiling in fear, watching the alloy material continuously shake violently.

"Not afraid."

Xia Xingxi looked calm, she said lightly: "At least we still have someone to protect us, what is there to be afraid of?"

These words stunned a few people, and everyone looked at her one after another. It had to be said that Xia Xingxi was as calm as a real soldier at this moment, not a freshman who just entered the military academy.

"That's right, what are you afraid of!" Jonny handed over the biscuit: "What I should be afraid of is the people fighting outside. Now I just want to tell my brother, come on, kill these disgusting star beasts!"

Jonny waved his fist and continued to mutter: "Huh, I must study hard and become stronger. I will have a mecha that belongs to me in the future, and then command thousands of troops, and fuck him to death!"

It was rare for the young master of the O'Neill family to swear, which made Martha and the others laugh, and their nervousness and fear were slightly reduced.

"Yes, I also want to have my own individual mecha, and torture them to death!"

"me too!"

Several people were joking and laughing, and their fear and nervousness were swept away.

Xia Xingxi also smiled, a few people went to sleep when they were tired from eating, and when they woke up, there was still an earthquake-like rumble outside, and the sirens lingered around the entire Blue Star without dissipating at all, and no one knew how many days had passed.

Until the end, something slammed heavily on the door of the shelter, the alloy door was smashed open a gap, and the moment the smell of blood came in, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

The heart was beating wildly in an instant, and even the cells exuded were clamoring for panic and anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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