Chapter 270 Guard
The sirens continued, but there was no laughter at this moment. The whole shelter was dead silent. Everyone's faces were covered with the shadow of death. They didn't dare to take a breath. They only dared to look at the gap cautiously.

Outside the gap, it was pitch black, and it was late at night outside. Occasionally, a light swept across here, casting a tall, ugly shadow that made it impossible to see what it was. The stench whistled along the gap, as if Something was panting heavily behind the door, and then, everyone could clearly see a crimson snake slowly poking in through the gap.

snake?so thin?
After being puzzled for less than a second, the students in the front row suddenly became agitated. They crowded back crazily. This is not a snake, it is a tongue, red, slender, scarlet like a snake!


Someone broke down and screamed at the scene, the tongue suddenly became excited, and thrust towards the direction of the sound, the tip rolled up the screaming girl and retracted suddenly.


The female student was slammed against the door hard, and she passed out immediately. He frowned and pushed Jonny away.

"what are you doing!"

Jonny's head is getting big, what are you going to do at a time like this?
"Save someone, or she will suffocate!"

Although being blocked by the door won't kill him for the time being, the star beast will definitely become irritable because he can't eat food. When the time comes, his tongue will tighten even more, and this person will definitely die!

The light knife was taken out from the space folding pendant. This was the weapon seized by Song Laosan when she assassinated her father.

When everyone was trembling, Xia Xingxi was the only one who rushed out with a knife in hand, cut off the scarlet tongue with one knife, and saved the female student.


The female student was finally able to breathe freely, but the stench in her nostrils made her retch, and the joy of being alive after the catastrophe made her break down and cry, but Xia Xingxi just grabbed her and moved back crazily. Pulling: "It's not the time to cry yet, go back, it's too dangerous here..."

Before he finished speaking, the painful roar of the star beast suddenly sounded outside, and then there was an even more crazy attack. The meteorite-like head slammed into the alloy door, shaking like an earthquake, and exploded behind him with a deafening sound. Open, the female student who was so frightened for the rest of her life screamed and rushed into the crowd on the spot.



"Dong Dong Dong!!"

The star beast gradually became irritable. It lost a tongue when it couldn't eat the delicious food. It would never let go of the prey in front of it, absolutely not! !
And that crack also gradually became bigger visible to the naked eye, until everyone could clearly see the blood-red vertical pupil like a lantern opening suddenly in the half-foot gap! !

The roar of the star beast was full of joy, it hit more and more excitedly, the door panel was crumbling, and everyone fell into collapse. Xia Xingxi gritted his teeth and clenched the space folding necklace around his neck, suddenly felt that his white light might be exposed today World.

But, there is no other way, if the white awn is not taken out, everyone will die here!

So, come on!

Just as he made up his mind, the roaring shadow outside the door suddenly disappeared, replaced by another tall and straight metal figure, guarding the door with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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