Chapter 271 We Are Saved

Some of the onlookers recognized the mecha and cheered excitedly on the spot: "It's Biying! We're saved!!"


It's Biying!
Biying is here!

The breath of despair was swept away in an instant, and many people even gathered around the gap to look out excitedly.

The entire blue star was pitch black, the power system was completely cut off, and all energy was supplied to the military headquarters. At this time, the blue star was like a dark black hole.

However, in the dark sky, there are lights constantly scanning back and forth. The patrol aircraft of the military headquarters are setting up a net to search for all the star beasts that have invaded the blue star. Therefore, whenever the lights are on, Biying's figure is reflected very clearly In the eyes of everyone, at this moment, this mecha is the hope of all the students, and it is their most anticipated vision.

And the light of the light always flickers away, when the light leaves, the surroundings are dark again, but even so, the faint outline in the darkness still stands like a hill, giving everyone a full sense of security.

So everyone could clearly see that Bi Ying drew out her weapon, and killed her with a cold and merciless blow!
The star beasts swaying around were also attracted, and appeared in twos and threes, Bi Ying's light was even brighter, and the silver flower of the long sword started a bloody storm!
At that moment, everyone was hilarious.

"With Lieutenant Lou here, we are saved!"

Everyone has started to hug and cheer, but only a few people are still staring at the battle outside solemnly, including Xia Xingxi and Jonny.

"Lieutenant Lou should be outside the Blue Star defense system, why did he appear here?"

Jonny frowned. Lieutenant Lou is the strongest individual soldier, and this type of unit should be at the forefront, but why did Lieutenant Lou appear here, just to deal with a star beast?
This made Xia Xingxi also frown. She clicked on the smart brain on her wrist, and it actually showed that there were abnormal energy fluctuations in the place where they were.

"There are space cracks around us, and a large number of star beasts are approaching."


Johnny is about to blow up, so wouldn't this place of theirs be a frontline battlefield, without mecha guards, all of them are as fragile as an ant, and they will definitely die!

"General, find a way to connect to Biying!"

"Good lady!"

The little parrot jumped out of her arms, its hair turned slowly, and soon connected to Biying.

"Lieutenant Lou!"

When Xia Xingxi's voice sounded, the man was distracted for a moment, and was sent flying by the star beast on the spot. He quickly stabilized his figure, and while being vigilant about the star beast, he said in a deep voice, "Hide well, don't come out!"

"There are abnormal energy fluctuations nearby."

These words made Lou Zhanxiao's eyes shrink suddenly: "Nuoya!"

"Yes Lieutenant, abnormal energy fluctuations have been detected nearby, very close to you, 30 meters, 20 meters, ten meters!!"

As soon as Nuoya's words fell to the ground, the ground trembled violently again. Everyone was jolted up and down, and some even slammed their heads into the wall, causing their heads to bleed.

"what happened!"

The students exploded, and they could see the space tearing close at hand, as well as the crowd of roaring star beasts crowding out.

Lou Zhanxiao, who easily suppressed the battle situation, had to face the endless star beasts in an instant. The long sword swung swiftly, and the artillery fire followed one after another.

The space torn apart is the lair!

"Dead, it's the star beast group!"

"Lieutenant Lou can't do it alone, we are all dead."

"Wooooow, mom!"

The entire shelter turned into a hell of despair, everyone was breaking down and crying, and Jonny couldn't help complaining: "The most annoying thing is for others to cry."

Li Xiaochen also huddled in Martha's arms and wept. The always strong Martha couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and a breath of despair enveloped everyone. At this time, Xia Xingxi stood up suddenly, looked at everyone, and scolded them coldly.

"Are you military students? Cry your ass! You can only die if you wait, so get up and join this battle!!"

(End of this chapter)

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