Chapter 276 More uncontrollable things

Chapter 276

Alright, take back the preface, Xia Xingxi is still the same as before, not cute at all, Lou Zhanxiao is blind, how can he like this kind of demon who is not gentle at all and can only do bad things?

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched as soon as he was teased, his dignity was instantly swept away.

The sudden outbreak of star beast attacks put the entire federation into a state of tension.

Obviously, it took three years to stabilize the defense line, and now it should be the time for the star beast to recuperate, but at this time, an unexpected star beast attack broke out in the most remote blue star, and it was so ferocious that it could not be seen. unexpected.

This was more tragic than any other battle in the past, because it was a fringe planet after all, and the defense force stationed at first was very weak. If Lou Zhanxiao and Jiang Chenyi weren't there, Blue Star's attack would only be a matter of respite.

And because of this, both Jiang Chenyi and Lou Zhanxiao suffered injuries to varying degrees, among which Lou Zhanxiao, who had been staying at the front line, was the most seriously injured.

"What, you said that the Star Beast's main attack was the Blue Star Reserve Military Academy? If it wasn't for Lieutenant Lou who carried most of the star beast's attacks, the entire reserve military academy would fall in the blink of an eye?"

The General Command Center of the Federal Army was overwhelmed with people, and everything was running at super high speed.

The operator's face was a bit ugly: "But why did the star beast focus on attacking the reserve military academy?"

What's the point of spending a lot of effort to attack a reserve military academy, even from Blue Star? ?

"It's not clear yet. We can only report the casualties. Lieutenant Lou is still in the recuperation cabin. Biying is seriously damaged. Please send senior maintenance personnel to Blue Star for repairs in case of emergency."


Once Biying is damaged, ordinary people can't repair it, and can only be repaired by senior maintenance personnel from the headquarters, and now the sudden attack of the star beast has also broken the laws that humans have observed in recent hundreds of years. In the future, the attacks of the star beasts will be irregular, so repairing Biying immediately becomes the top priority.

"what happened!"

The closed door opened, and the first commander, Lou Zhennan, walked in steadily with resolute steps. The overwhelming aura of Mount Tai immediately made everyone stand at attention and gave a standard military salute.

"Report to the commander-in-chief..."

Blue Star's situation was reported at the first time. When he learned that Lou Zhanxiao was seriously injured, Lou Zhennan's face was so calm that there was no trace of ups and downs, as if he didn't know this person at all. Know that the two are related.

"Send maintenance personnel, transfer two squads of the First Army to support, and in addition..."

The man's calm voice paused, and he looked up at everyone: "It was formally decided at the high-level meeting of the military department that the military academy will expand its enrollment during the holidays and increase its personnel reserves for emergencies."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and when Lou Zhennan left, everyone couldn't help gathering together and whispering.

"Military academies expand their enrollment? Aren't military academies directly promoted from reserve military academies, how to expand their enrollment?"

The reserve military academy is to send talents to the military academy. I have never heard that the military academy recruits talents from the society.

"Stupid, it means that in the past, candidates from the third grade were directly recruited, but now that the enrollment has been expanded, all first and second graders can directly apply for the military academy!"

That is to say, there is no grade limit, as long as you have the ability to pass the exam, all members will be recruited.

Hearing this, everyone frowned, and a shadow slowly emerged in their hearts.

Will it still appear in the future?Otherwise, why the sudden expansion of enrollment?
(End of this chapter)

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