Chapter 277

Blue Star fell into a moment of recuperation.

The sudden onslaught of star beasts destroyed part of the defense system. Streets, buildings, and cities were damaged in varying degrees, and the most severely damaged was the Blue Star Reserve Military Academy. No one knew why the star beasts would focus on attacking such places. .

Those with serious casualties were sent to the hospital first, while Xia Xingxi and other unscathed people sat in the open space, waiting for the next step.

Even if it is a reserve military academy, it is also a military academy, and it also has discipline. If you can't move, you can't move.

While there was still time, Xia Xingxi contacted Xia Chenyou.

It took a long time for the communication to be connected, and the moment it was connected, Xia Xingxi finally let go of her worries.



The father and daughter were almost colleagues calling each other's name, and Xia Chenyou kept asking with red eyes, "Where are you? Are you injured? The defense system of the military academy should be very complete, Xing Xing, how are you?"

"I'm fine. The shelter here is very strong. Dad, are you okay? We don't have a place of refuge over there."

"It's okay!" Xia Chen couldn't help laughing when he mentioned this: "Thanks to those people in the underground arena, those old customers just saved me by driving mechas, and everyone in the store was there too, oh , and your grandfather, we are all in the underground arena now, and it is very safe here."

Although the mechas in the underground arena were not strong enough to compete with the star beasts, they could still save people. Big Beard and Hai Ruis rushed in with the mecha team and left after saving people.

"It's fine at home. All the mechas in our main store have been sent away, and we haven't lost any money. As for the losses of other stores, we are still counting. Your grandpa said that the losses should not be big, because there is a sales competition with Xia Chenguan, okay. All the mechas are sold out, and the rest are worthless mechas, if your grandpa says you lose it, it doesn’t matter.”

Hearing that Xia Xingxi's mood is better, this is really a blessing in misfortune, thank you second uncle, your conspiracy saved her and her father again, thank you for your conspiracy.

"Is it a star?" A familiar woman's voice came from beside my father, it was Wen Xinhong's voice.

Xia Xingxi frowned: "Why is she here?"

Xia Chenyou took a look at Qian's mother and took a few steps back silently: "She came to help save people, and she drove Lou Zhanxiao's aircraft. The military's aircraft is about the same as half a battle mech, plus it is controlled by AI. Without human effort, this aircraft fought all the way with the star beast."


This is a bit fantasy, her ex-mother-in-law is driving... oh, no, just sitting, sitting in Lou Zhanxiao's aircraft, and then the AI ​​drives and controls it by itself, and just fights with the star beast all the way.

It's just... as expected of the military's aircraft, it really has nothing to do with this former mother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law, let me talk to Xing Xing. I don't mean anything else. I'm just worried about Zhan Xiao. Are they all in school? Why can't I get in touch with our Zhan Xiao?"

Wen Xinhong's voice was choked with sobs, which made Xia Xingxi inevitably think of the man who fought bloody battles, and the last sentence he said with difficulty...

If I have to choose, I choose to die where you can't see...

Xia Xingxi closed her eyes, and finally softened her heart. She is bad, a bit of a devil, but she is also human, and her heart is fleshy.

"Tell her that Lou Zhanxiao is fine, but he has to direct work, so he can't contact his family for the time being. Right now... except for the students, everyone else is in an encrypted state."

(End of this chapter)

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