Chapter 278 Can He Kill This Money Fan?

After saying these words, she finally heard Wen Xinhong's cry: "Thank you, thank you Xing Xing, I did something wrong, I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't have listened to Xia Yueer's words, as long as Zhan Xiao is fine, I won't bother you anymore, Xing Xing, you have to be well, all of you must be well..."

The woman's voice became smaller and smaller, and it seemed that she was crying more ferociously. Xia Xingxi didn't make a sound, but took a deep breath.

Encrypted status is generally only used in emergencies. Wen Xinhong is a member of the military, so she naturally knows what encrypted status means, so she won't ask any more questions.

"Dad, the communication time is limited. I'll hang up first. You take good care of Grandpa."

"Okay, don't be nervous, come home, we miss you very much."

The communication was quickly hung up, Xia Xingxi took a deep breath, as long as the family is fine, yes, as long as they are fine.

"Star!" Jonny waved at her, and came over with a supply of nutrient solution for several people: "The cafeteria can't recover yet, and the school has distributed nutrient solution. Tsk, it's grade C. Is this going to be one a day?"

The tall young master of the O'Neill family is used to the A-level nutrient solution, so naturally he doesn't like the C-level nutrient solution, but other people don't know it, and they drink it cautiously.

Several people carefully divided the nutrient solution, and Martha and Li Xiaochen sat with them. After experiencing this danger, Master Jonny's circle of friends changed from Xia Xingxi alone to three.

"Jonny, is your brother okay?" Martha couldn't help asking, and Victoria was also a mech she admired very much.

"It's okay, he is air-to-air, and the casualties are much smaller than Lu Bing, but..."

Jonny's eyes flickered, and he said: "I heard from my brother that the military department will expand its enrollment this year, and the first grade can also take the exam directly. I want to try it. Will you go?"

Hearing this, Martha and Li Xiaochen were both taken aback.

"Can we go, we are only in the first grade."

"Why not? Although the preparatory school learns the basics, they are also capable enough to drive mechas and even repair mechas in the first grade. As long as you work hard enough, there is no difference between the first grade and the third grade."

Speaking of which, Jonny looked at Xia Xingxi: "I'm afraid this year's final exam will become a federal exam to select students for expansion. Xia Xingxi, will you go?"

Hearing that several people looked at her, Li Xiaochen said weakly: "I will go as soon as the stars go!"

For a while, everyone was silent, Xia Xingxi's fair face was very beautiful under the sun, and her moist lips drank the nutrient solution one after another. After a while, she narrowed her eyes and said slowly: "This mint flavor is really bad... "

Everyone: ………

Jonny was furious: "I'm asking you something!"

"Hey, is the scholarship in the military academy higher? I'll go if it's higher."

Jonny was about to die of anger, his eyelids couldn't help twitching, and he cursed angrily: "It doesn't matter if it's high or not, if you can pass the exam, I'll ask the O'Neill family to give you another scholarship, if you can take the first place, I don’t want my pocket money for a year, can I give you a scholarship!”

Xia Xingxi paused, and a little light flickered in her eyes. She looked at Jonny happily: "Okay, I think it's okay, very good! I remember your monthly pocket money seems to be 30 star coins, huh?"

360 million star coins a year is worth the profit of several mechas, why not, huh? ?

Jonny just kidding:  ……

Can he strangle this money fan?
(End of this chapter)

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