Chapter 294
Hearing the familiar voice, Xia Zhidong finally showed a smile, and looked towards the door full of expectation, but the faces of Sheng Zilin and Xia Yueer were a little gloomy at this moment, everyone looked back, Xia Xingxi held Xia Chenyou's arm The arms come in style.

The woman is wearing a galaxy long dress, her makeup is just right, her eyebrows and eyes are exquisite and gorgeous, and her beauty is radiant, while Xia Chen is wearing a high-quality retro suit, which makes her look energetic and handsome.

Seeing the two coming, the relatives of the Xia family couldn't help frowning.

"Little girl, what are you talking about!"

"That's right, have you ever talked to an adult like this?"

They even said they were a bunch of clubs!
Xia Xingxi smiled, walked through the crowd and came in front of the three of them, staring at Sheng Zilin's smirking face, and said word by word: "You didn't see what Grandpa saw, and you closed your eyes and dug the hole that others have dug. Litiao, what are you if you are not a stick? No, to say you are a stick is an insult to others!"

"What did you say!"

The Xia family exploded on the spot, and this little girl is still as defiant as before!
Xia Xingxi turned her head abruptly, her whole body was full of aura, and she turned around like a queen who ruled the world, looking down on her servants arrogantly.

"Why did the good Sheng family give us a shop for nothing?"

When this question was asked again, everyone looked at each other and said.

"That's to make up for Xia Chenguan's mistake!"

"This is the kindness of sister-in-law Zi Lin!"

"Good intentions?" Xia Xingxi smiled, and stared sideways at Sheng Zilin: "Second Aunt means that I don't want a penny, don't interfere with the operation of Xia's Mecha Chain Store, and give it completely for nothing?"

Hearing that Sheng Zilin's eyes sank slightly, and a little coldness appeared inside, this little girl is really vigilant.

"Xing Xing, what nonsense are you talking about? It's a shop in Capital Xing. How can every inch of land be free of money? But if we, Yue'er, can manage that shop, it's not impossible to not need money. After all, her uncle's long-standing wish is to Yue'er can help and manage the family business."

really!How can there be a free lunch in the world?

"Then can I understand that if you want to take advantage, you have to let Xia Yueer manage the family business?"

The words were exquisite, not managing the shop but managing the family business, blocking all the roads of Sheng Zilin for a while, the woman stared at Xia Xingxi with a gloomy expression, she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Isn't it the goal of several generations of your Xia family to open the store in the capital star? Wouldn't it be good to have our Sheng family help? Besides, what do you do for Xing Xing? You finally got the first place in the Blue Star exam and you got a Logistics department, obviously Xia’s family is a mecha shop, don’t you obviously don’t want to inherit the family business?”

Saying that, Sheng Zilin paused, and then said: "And for the three-day family banquet, both of you father and daughter didn't come all day, and you didn't show up until the end. You have no sense of time, so who can let you take care of the family business?" What? Do you think so?"

The crowd joined in.

"That is, what did you guys do? Why haven't you come for three days?"

"I will not allow those of you who don't respect the family business to run the family. You will really die together!"

"Tell me if you have the ability, what exactly are you going to do!"

If you don't come for three days, what is more important than family affairs!The more he talked, the angrier everyone became. The father and daughter are not qualified!
Seeing that everyone was targeting her, Xia Xingxi snorted coldly, looked at Xia Yue'er and said, "Don't you know? Why, if you don't say a word for the sake of your superiors, you don't intend to lose face?"

(End of this chapter)

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