Chapter 295 There is no way to save it
In front of everyone, Xia Yueer's expression changed immediately when she said such a thing, and she stared at Xia Xingxi. Since Xia Xingxi can come back, she must have repaired Biying. Damn it, how did she do it!
Xia Yue'er was about to go mad with anger, but Xia Xingxi didn't care, she had already torn her face, or Xia Yue'er was shameless a long time ago, so why would she give her any face, just tear it all up.

"You nonsense, how would I know what you father and daughter did!"

"Hey, don't you still want to bet with me that my dad will never be able to fix it!"

Xia Yue'er choked to death with a few words, and the people below frowned.

"what's up?"

"Repair? Repair what? You went to repair the mecha? When are you going to repair the mecha? This is a family feast. What mecha can be more important than a family banquet? It really got into the eyes of money!"

Everyone still looked down on these two people, and there was nothing good to say from their mouths, Sheng Zilin continued: "Even if it is repairing the mecha, who would know that you can continue to repair it until now, and when the mecha can't be repaired? I think you just don’t take the family business seriously, some of the broken mechs that are not on the table are worth your troubles, if the Xia family takes care of you, it will really be ruined!”

Xia Xingxi snorted coldly, still staring at Xia Yue'er: "I'm just asking you if what you said back then counts."


I don't remember, okay, then she will help Xia Yue'er remember!
"What are you talking about? Listen carefully, didn't you bet that my dad couldn't fix it well? You also said that if you lose, you will not only apologize to my dad, but also tell everyone in the Xia family that you voluntarily give up everything in the Xia family."


The audience was in an uproar and gave up voluntarily?
Sheng Zilin even looked directly at Xia Yue'er with a gloomy expression. This daughter really dares to say anything!

Xia Yue'er bit her lips tightly, but then she thought about it, Xiu Biying's matter was considered a secret, even if she didn't admit Xia Xingxi, she couldn't say anything, because if she said it, she would have to be arrested and punished as a crime of leaking secrets!
Thinking of this, she immediately felt relieved, and said with a sneer, "Okay, then show me the evidence you have repaired. If you can't show it, you have lost, and you will tell Grandpa as agreed that you are not capable of inheriting the family business." !"

After saying this, Sheng Zilin's face softened a little, and she couldn't help nodding, her daughter did a good job, how could she suffer only by herself?
Thinking of her, she looked at Xia Xingxi with an aggressive and forceful expression: "Xing Xing, since you are here, you must have evidence, so show it, don't say we didn't give you a chance."

Chance?It doesn't exist, it's Biying who repairs it, can you just say it, ha, Xia Xingxi, you really dig a hole and bury yourself, it's a feeling that you can't say it after repairing it, are you happy?

Sheng Zilin's cold eyes shone with pride and excitement, so what if you come back, so what if you fix it, God won't help you, Xia Xingxi, even if you have chips, you can't get them out, it's useless!
The atmosphere suddenly became stalemate, even Xia Chen was trembling with anger, and the old man's face was even more ugly.

He obviously knew that his son was working for the army and repaired the mecha of the army, but who would dare to say such a secret thing?Sheng Zilin's mother and daughter grasped this point, and they planned to use this to directly crush Xia Chenyou and Xia Xingxi, and then directly ascend to the top in a grandiose manner!
The old man's expression turned extremely ugly, is it true that the Xia family's property is going to be cheaper than the Sheng family's?

Damn, is there no way to save it?

(End of this chapter)

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