Chapter 296

The atmosphere suddenly became stalemate, and everyone was silent, only Sheng Zilin and Xia Yueer stared at Xia Xingxi with complacent faces, their attitudes became aggressive again.

The rest of the Xia family members were stunned. No one knew what was going on. During the period, someone looked at Xia Chenfeng, but they saw Xia Chenfeng standing firmly behind Xia Xingxi, not wavering at all.

"I believe in Big Brother's maintenance skills."

Xia Chenfeng continued: "At least our family is better than the eldest brother, and there is only the old man."

This made Sheng Zilin very displeased. She glanced coldly at Xia Chenfeng, and immediately made the people around panic. It was cleaned up!"

It is self-evident who will clean up, but Xia Chenfeng did not waver, some things are facts, he just said the facts.

"Then show the evidence!" Xia Yue'er did her part: "If you can't show it, Xia Xingxi, you have to quit, forever, quit!"

She laughed more and more proudly, because she knew that Xia Xingxi would not say it, even if someone here knew it, they would not say it. Anything related to the military is a secret, especially Biying, which is one of the best high-tech in the military !

It seemed that it was effortless for me to win this time!

Xia Yue'er became more and more complacent, but Xia Xingxi just said indifferently: "As long as I take it out, you will go out immediately, right?"

Do you still ask at this time?Xia Yue'er frowned impatiently, she didn't think Xia Xingxi could do it, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, but you must be the loser!"

"Oh, then you should keep your eyes wide open and see clearly!"

See clearly?What are you looking at?Xia Yue'er stared at Xia Xingxi's bright smile and felt it was extremely dazzling, until she saw a group of people walking in slowly.

The serious matrix-like queue, the orderly sound of footsteps, the crackling of leather boots on the floor, and the cold and solemn voice can make people feel awe in an instant.

The person who came was wearing a dignified and handsome uniform, he was from the military department!

Everyone was shocked for a moment, why did the people from the military come here, but soon the team parted, and a figure walked in wearing frost and snow, with a hostile look like a sharpened saber, breaking through the world, breaking into the here.

"Lieutenant Lou!"

"Why did the lieutenant come here? And many people..."

What does it mean to come in with soldiers?Look at this awe-inspiring aura, how it looks like catching a spy.

Everyone was terrified, but Xia Yue'er went forward with a happy face: "Lieutenant, are you here to celebrate my grandfather's health?"

Looking at her daughter's expression, Sheng Zilin naturally knew what was going on, and then looked at this man, he was handsome and handsome, and he was worthy of his daughter.

However, her smile lasted less than three seconds, but the man indifferently ignored Xia Yue'er, stepped on the ground with his boots and came in front of everyone, and raised his voice.

"I, on behalf of the military department, am here to present the military department's medal to Mr. Xia Chenyou for first-class repairs, in recognition of his heroic performance after the star beast attack for dozens of days without sleep."

Even though they didn't mention what they did, everyone understood one thing, and that was what Xia Chen did during the time when his father and daughter disappeared.

They repaired the mecha of the military headquarters, and the most seriously injured mecha this time was Biying. Xia Chen had it, did they repair Biying?
He was able to repair Biying, is it true?

At that moment, shock was like an electric current covering every cell in his body, and everyone looked at Xia Chenyou dumbfounded, completely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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