After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 297 Aren't you looking for death, huh?

Chapter 297 Aren't you looking for death, huh?
He actually issued a commendation from the military department?And it was delivered by Lieutenant Lou himself. What does this mean?
In all likelihood, it was Biying who Xia Chen had repaired, otherwise why did Lieutenant Lou come in person?
Although they didn't say anything, everyone knew clearly in their hearts that everyone was silent for a while, only Lieutenant Lou walked towards Xia Chenyou expressionlessly, his heels cracked, and he saluted with a handsome and neat military salute. Xia Chen was at a loss.

Biying really didn't do it herself, but her daughter Xing Xing!

He subconsciously looked at the daughter next to him, and Xia Xing looked at him with a smile: "Dad, congratulations, you are definitely worthy of being the number one repairman of the Xia family now."

The Xia family, the number one maintenance engineer!
This name is much more resounding. Go to hell with any questioning or disdain just now. The rest is Chi Guoguo's slap in the face, which is still the kind of crackling sound.

"Dad, take it, it's your glory."

Xia Chenyou took a deep breath. Is my daughter going to express her position?Obviously, the number one repairer of the Xia family should be his daughter. After thinking about it in the end, he can only reach out and take it. No matter what his daughter does, he will fully support her. Xing Xing must have her intentions. It is better for him to obey her first.

So he accepted the commendation calmly, and Xia Zhidong finally had a smile on his face when he saw this. First-class merit in the military department is not something ordinary people can get. Looking at the entire Blue Star, there are only a handful of people who can get this honor , even the O'Neill family has never received first-class merit, this is a major event for the Guangyao family!
But when the old man was happy, Xia Xingxi looked at Xia Yue'er with a smile, and deliberately raised her voice, "Did you see clearly?"

"What, what?" Xia Yue'er, who was still in shock and disbelief, didn't react at all, but Xia Xingxi was already approaching step by step: "This bet was won by my father, don't you want to prove it?" The commendation brought by Lieutenant Lou is the best proof, Xia Yueer, you lost, are you ready to quit?"

what! !

Xia Yueer exploded almost on the spot, her brows were tightly frowned, and she was full of anger. Obviously, this matter is highly confidential and no one can say it, but now Lieutenant Lou actually brought the commendation in person, isn't this proof that Does Xia Chen have the ability!

He really did it!
Xia Yueer was about to explode with anger, but there was nothing she could do, she could only grit her teeth and say, "I admit that I lost, uncle is indeed capable, and everything in the military department has been repaired, but giving up the family business is not counted, you Don't forget, we still have a duel!"

It was agreed at the beginning, go to for a duel, and the loser will get out!

Xia Xingxi raised her eyebrows, she remembered, this Xia Yueer came up with the idea of ​​a duel because she had nothing to lose to her, no, child, what do you think, who is not good to duel with, and Xia Xingxi duel with her, Isn't this courting death, huh?

"Okay, duel, but I apologize to my dad, you have to do it now, understand? My little cousin."

The little cousin was full of sarcasm, as if she was laughing at her nonsense, Xia Yueer's face turned pale, but she could only bite the bullet and bow to Xia Chen to apologize: "Uncle, I was wrong, you are the well-deserved number one in the Xia family." one!"

She almost clenched her fists and squeezed these words through her teeth tremblingly. After she finished speaking, she gritted her teeth and stared at Xia Xingxi: "Come to's arena! Xia Xingxi, if you lose, take your dad and get out!"

She wants to prove herself, before she leaves, to her grandfather and everyone here, to prove herself, enough to crush Xia Xingxi! !

(End of this chapter)

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