Chapter 299 You...are sure to compare with me

Xia Xingxi spread his hands and expressed that it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, even if you shoot the light screen up to the sky so that everyone in Blue Star can see it, it doesn't matter, after all, it is not you who is ashamed.

"Okay, since you agree, then come on, I'll find a ring first."

Xia Yueer logged into her account on the spot, and soon a pink mecha appeared on the 360-degree light screen with no dead ends, and the name on it was even more eye-catching.

Xue Liqi·Mei·J·Q·Antalya.



Although the name is unfamiliar, why are the words J·Q so familiar?And this rocking pink color is also very familiar, it can always arouse her inexplicable impulse, making her want to hit someone very much.

"This fan's flamboyant J·Q mecha turns out to be you!"

Xia Xingxi was shocked. Through the Internet, everyone could only see the virtual mecha and the virtual name on the opposite side. Who would have known that when this layer of virtual skin was uncovered, the person underneath was actually an old acquaintance!
Damn, this J·Q who rocked the show turned out to be Xia Yueer?

Seeing her expression, Xia Yueer was very proud immediately: "You know me too? Did you see me on the list in the intermediate area? Hey, I admit that I may not be as good as uncle in maintenance, but manipulating mechs No one can compare to me, who made me stay in the mecha shop since I was a child, and I have touched all kinds of mechas, but Xing Xing, don’t be sad, although there is a gap between us, people have different talents, even if It's your fault, isn't it?"


She doesn't seem to have any problems. If she has to say, she doesn't like shopping or fashion. She likes to eat and calculates various formulas.

Seeing that she stopped talking completely, Xia Yue'er was even more proud. She controlled the pink mecha on the spot to launch a beautiful combo, and the jumping figure made a sharp stab, which aroused applause from everyone on the spot.

"Yue'er, you are really amazing!"

"Our Xia family is about to produce a real interstellar hero!"

"Long live the mechas! The mechas guard our hometown!"

Since the military academy can have three major departments, the folks also respect these three, the commander, the strongest individual soldier, and the mech master.

Now that Xia Yue'er can control the mech so proficiently, wouldn't he be the strongest individual soldier in the future?
"Just say you have to choose Yue'er!"

"that is!"

Everyone was whispering, but Xia Xingxi was completely speechless. Although she wanted to abuse Xia Yueer, this guy seemed to be a bit memorized every time. By the way, girl, how did you manage to die by her knife every time? What about?
Otherwise, you go to burn incense and worship a Buddha to beg for better luck?In terms of your ability to seek death, you are number one. No one in the entire Federation can be called number two!
Xia Xingxi even wanted to give a thumbs up gesture: Yue'er, this is you!Leverage!
The corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, Xia Xingxi felt cruel even after thinking about it, and she wondered if some people would be able to bear the excitement after they knew the truth.

Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, Xia Yueer thought she was afraid, and said on the spot: "Xia Xingxi, what are you doing? Hurry up, if you don't have a mecha, I can make a virtual one for you on the spot, if you are afraid If you don’t dare to compare, just admit defeat and leave here!”

Xia Xingxi looked up at Xia Yue'er helplessly, her pretty face was full of indescribable words, she couldn't bear to say: "Are... sure you want to compare with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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