After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 300 Woman, It's You, You Must Hold On!

Chapter 300 Woman, It's You, You Must Hold On!

Sure sure and sure?
Sister, you must think clearly.

Xia Yue'er's attitude was very arrogant. She was sure that Xia Xingxi was afraid, so she raised her eyebrows and raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, you want to unilaterally violate the agreement? Xia Xingxi, you still want to take care of the family business, you are too cowardly! "

It's really unbearable to say cowardly, and she is thinking about Xia Yue'er, well, since she has already done the ropeway, she doesn't have to keep a low profile.

"Okay, you've said that, let's start."

Xia Xingxi also went all out, directly logged into her account, and then entered the arena where Xia Yueer was. When her mecha appeared in front of everyone, everyone was dumbfounded.

"what's this?"

"What a hot eye, are you sure it's a mecha?"

The gaudy shell and the structure of the super spicy eyes, the aesthetics really make people panic after just looking at it, and it makes people's eyes hurt.

What the hell is this? It's so ugly, isn't it?It was so ugly that it reached a new height! !
"Xia Xingxi, you are a girl from a mecha family, how could you make something so eye-catching?"

"As far as aesthetics is concerned, if you take care of the family business, you won't have to pay for it?"

"What the hell is this!"

A group of people were shouting below, but Xia Yue'er's face collapsed in an instant.

She turned pale almost on the spot, and pointed at this ugly mecha tremblingly like a ghost, and glanced at the name on the top of her head, and then she trembled even more, and followed a Like a little motor.

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you?" Sheng Zilin saw the strangeness of her daughter, she looked surprised, but Xia Yueer ignored her, just looked at Xia Xingxi with a devilish expression on her face: "The one who abused your whole family is you !!"

Xia Xingxi smiled, with a harmless and innocent expression on his face, as if he didn't know anything, and nothing happened, and he smiled calmly: "Yes!"

Go on go go go go go go! ! !
Xia Yue'er's head was instantly flooded by this word, she almost exploded on the spot, her head hummed instantly, and then she didn't know anything.

Depend on!
Xia Xingxi turned out to be the one who abused your family?That pervert who saw her kill once and for all, that villain bastard who chased and abused her for no reason but because of her color, that guy who made her log in to the game feel psychologically shadowed, turned out to be her nemesis Xia Xingxi! ! !
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !
Xia Yueer felt that the three views in her head were broken into dregs, falling off piece by piece. This fact was too shocking, even more shocking to her than Xia Chenyou repairing Biying. The most amazing and unacceptable fact that has happened so far!

She roared almost on the spot: "How could you abuse your whole family!"

how come?If she doesn't accept it, anyone can, only Xia Xingxi can't do it for you!
Xia Xingxi shrugged: "It's me, this is one of the mechas sold at the end of the year, didn't you see it? Oh, yes, you had already left at that time, but your dad, my second uncle must have seen it, he And hate being ugly."

Xia Xingxi squinted her eyes and smiled wickedly. The image of the little devil came online again, but this time I really don't blame her. She had already asked Xia Yueer if she really wanted to compare with her.

Woman, it's you, you must hold on to her!

(End of this chapter)

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