Chapter 308 Why

Jiang Chen lost.

He lost all face, he sat on the sofa dejectedly, his whole body looked very decadent, and he was still muttering, how could this happen? ?

"That's it, don't look down on people in the future, do you understand?"

Xia Xingxi clapped her hands and sat down with a look of disdain. Lou Zhanxiao was naturally sitting with his wife, and stared at someone coldly.

"Our stars are so powerful."

"So don't mess with me, you know?"

Look at these two, they are divorced and still have such a tacit understanding, this damn dog food!

It hurts to be defeated, but if you still come here now, you are really going to die.

Jiang Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes frequently, but luckily Xia Chen arrived, and the four of them came to the airport in a hurry, but the aircraft of the military academy had already left, and the four of them could only leave the port by taking another aircraft.


Titan's airport is located in a primeval forest, and the buildings here are hidden among giant trees that are three to forty meters high or even hundreds of meters high. The aircraft shuttles back and forth on the top of the tree. No matter how you look at it, this planet is floating like Blue Star. A different kind of greenery.

Everyone got off the aircraft, only to see Xiong Guang and the others at the airport.

Seeing a familiar face, Bill frowned and looked away, but at noon, Xiong Guang stepped forward very cheerfully and looked Bill up and down.

"This is your mechanical arm? Legend has it that it is the first mechanical arm in the interstellar world, and it can control mechs?"

At noon, Xiong Guang became more and more excited as he looked at it: "It is indeed a good thing. Hey, who made it for you, how about introducing this person to me?"

Bill closed his eyes and ignored him, Xiong Guang snorted coldly at noon, and before he was about to speak, he saw Lieutenant Lou leading someone over, and he closed his mouth and stepped aside.

In short, the last time he was cheated made him cast a shadow on Lou Zhanxiao and the woman behind Lou Zhanxiao, these two people are the existence of cheating people without paying for their lives.

"Lieutenant! Your promotion order has come!" A communication soldier rushed over quickly: "Because of his outstanding performance in killing star beasts in the Blue Star Guard Battle, he is now promoted to captain. Congratulations, Captain Lou!"

The promotion was right in front of him, and it was a matter of minutes, Xiong Guang frowned fiercely at noon, thankful that he hadn't offended this person.

Captain?He was promoted to another level in minutes. This man is really scary, and the speed of promotion is really super fast.

"Why are people from the local star here?" The newly promoted Captain Lou stared at the person in front of him coldly, so frightened that Xiong Guang dared not make a sound at noon, but Li Lizi poked her head out from behind him and said with a smile: "Competition, the activities of the two schools."

Speaking of which, she fixed her eyes on Xia Xingxi, full of anticipation and excitement, finally able to fight Miss Xingxing, so happy!
However, Bill didn't want to talk to them, so he walked straight to Xia Xingxi and said in a low voice, "The military department has expanded its enrollment and allows outstanding students to recommend. I want to recommend you, because in terms of mechs, only you can perfectly cooperate with me. Xia Xingxi, come with me." Let's go to Capital Star Military Academy together, our future will be invincible!"

Master Bill, who had always been extremely arrogant, now calmly and earnestly extended an invitation to Xia Xingxi, and it was a recommendation invitation that did not require an exam. This is simply the envy of everyone.

Li Xiaochen and Martha who came to look for Xia Xingxi both looked excited, only Xia Yue'er, whose face was extremely gloomy, stared at this place firmly.


Xia Xingxi?
Why! !

(End of this chapter)

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