Chapter 309

"Yue'er, did you hear that? Senior Bill actually recommended Xia Xingxi, senior must be crazy!"

Cao Miaomiao couldn't help complaining sourly.

Li Wencheng couldn't help but said: "I heard that if a senior senior recommends you, you can go directly to the military academy without passing the assessment. What did this Xia Xingxi do? Didn't she just seduce senior Bill to get this kind of quota?"

Several people were full of contempt, and even looked at Xia Xingxi's back with a disgusting and contemptuous light. You must know that not everyone in the O'Neill family would pay attention to it. Xia Xingxi must have used some unrefined means to get it. For this opportunity, definitely!
Several people became more and more unhappy, and more and more students came to the airport. After a rough calculation, almost all the people from the six major military academies were present.

"Why are there so many people here?"

Jonny frowned and stared at the different uniforms around him, and Bill said lightly: "Gossip, it is very likely that the big selection will be on Titan, and you are ready."

As he said that, he turned his head and took a deep look at Xia Xingxi: "But even if you get the last place in the exam, I will still recommend you, Xia Xingxi, only I can help you in your future, otherwise you can only rely on a degree in the logistics department. You can't do anything!"

It's no wonder that Bill looked unhappy, but once the name of the logistics department was revealed, he would receive a lot of blank stares. Xia Xingxi chose the most trashy department with the first grade in Blue Star, which made people very speechless.

If it weren't for the fact that she was the only one who could cooperate with him on the rack, Bill wouldn't want to find such a person as his partner.

"Ha, what if I can do it?" Xia Xingxi suddenly became high, can't it be done?How do you know you can't, huh?
"Little girl, you have to stop joking in moderation."

Bill didn't believe she could do it at all. Although the military department expanded its recruitment, it didn't recruit everyone. In terms of departments, the three major departments recruited the most people, and the logistics department recruited the least. The school expands enrollment together, where do you think you can rank?

The indifferent and arrogant man looked down at Xia Xingxi, his blue eyes and the other green eyes were even more cold and ruthless, he stared at Xia Xingxi, as if thinking of something, and said: "If you can do it, then I will listen to all the battles in the future. You command!"

Victoria is an individual mech, and Bill's willingness to listen to Xia Xingxi means that he puts Xia Xingxi in the position of commander, and it also represents trust and submission, which surprised everyone around.

Especially Jonny, he has never seen his arrogant brother submit to anyone, and now, he wants to listen to Xia Xingxi!
The boy frowned and didn't say anything on the spot, but a trace of unhappiness rose in his heart.

How can an incompetent person deserve second brother's surrender?

Soon, the students who arrived on Titan were assigned to their own dormitories, and they separated before they had time to get to know each other, and the so-called assessment was quickly arranged on the schedule.

After finishing the dormitory, Xia Yue'er got up and walked out of the room. Cao Miaomiao couldn't help following up and said, "Yue'er, where are you going?"

"Go see my cousin."

"Cousin?" Cao Miaomiao was puzzled, "Your mother?"

"Yes." Xia Yue'er raised the corner of her mouth: "People from the Sheng family, thank you for this star beast attack, otherwise how could we gather together on Titan Star."

Hearing this, Cao Miaomiao became happy: "This is all right, with your cousin here, someone will help us teach Xia Xingxi a lesson!"

Hearing that Xia Yue'er didn't say anything, but she was very proud in her heart, she thought so too.

(End of this chapter)

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