Chapter 310 Little Cousin

When they arrived at the dormitory, everyone was completely excited, because the dormitory could choose roommates at will, so Martha and Li Xiaochen found Xia Xingxi, and the three of them went directly into one room.

"What kind of private room, it's so interesting for three people."

"That's right, let's go."

Xia Xingxi was just dragged into the dormitory by the two of them. This dormitory is obviously better than theirs because there is a simulation warehouse here.

The moment they saw the simulation cabin, Li Xiaochen and Martha's eyes lit up, and they both said, "Xing Xing, let's go to the simulation cabin!"

"Since the test is going to take place on Titan, let's simulate the terrain of Titan first!"

If it’s okay to take the exam at Blue Star, they are familiar with Blue Star after all, but Titan Star is different and they don’t understand it at all, so it’s still necessary to train.

"Hey, let me forget it?"

Xia Xingxi hugged the general and rubbed the little parrot's head. The little guy squinted his eyes comfortably, drowsy.

It's not like she hasn't been to Titan Star before, so there's no need to be familiar with the terrain, right?Maybe she is more familiar with the terrain than the locals.

"Xing Xing!" Li Xiaochen said angrily, "Why have you become like this now? You've given up on yourself!"

"That's right, show off your courage to be number one in Blue Star back then. You've only been in the logistics department for a long time and you're completely decadent. This won't work, you have to get angry!"

"Yes, get angry, go to the fucking logistics department, you can be great too!"

"Okay Xiaochen, you have already learned how to swear!"


Li Xiaochen couldn't help laughing, a little embarrassed, but Xia Xingxi couldn't help her eyelids twitch, girl, she really doesn't need to enter the simulation warehouse, and it has nothing to do with being decadent or not, okay?
However, there were some things that could not be said, and no one would believe them. Xia Xingxi sighed, and finally reluctantly let go of the general, and followed the two sisters into the simulation warehouse.

The simulation cabin simulates the terrain of Titan, and the simulation cabin is still connected to the Internet. After a few people entered, they saw many students who came to familiarize themselves with the terrain.

"Sure enough, I said we should come, Xing Xing, look, everyone is here!" Li Xiaochen looked like I saved you, and Xia Xingxi was silent and tearful.

"Then let's get started." Martha said: "A three-person team, Xiao Chen, you command, I lead the way, Xing Xing is your logistics, and the rear."

This arrangement sounded nothing strange at all, and several people agreed, and then they opened the Titan star map and officially entered the simulation environment.

"Wow, is this the Titan star? It looks scary."

Li Xiaochen was a little timid, but the environment here was indeed beyond imagination.

The sight is a tall and towering giant, it is really huge, three people need to look up to see the top of their heads, but they can't see the crown of the tree, because even a grass around them is as tall as half a person, let alone those blue stars The small shrubs here have grown into towering trees.

"My God, small shrubs are taller than trees, so how tall are real trees?"

Martha explained to Li Xiaochen with a shocked expression on his face, but Xia Xingxi looked around with a flat look, and the Titan Star was indeed still the same, without any change.

While thinking, Li Xiaochen thought that there was a wild animal breaking in, so he turned around and pointed his gun at the direction of the sound. Soon, they found three people coming out from the opposite side.

The three of them were all wearing the capital star's school uniform, and the leading boy's sinister gaze swept over the three of them one by one, and finally fell on Xia Xingxi, who then smiled maliciously.

"Hello, little cousin!"

(End of this chapter)

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