Chapter 316
However, the commotion quickly subsided, only Jiang Chenyi was still talking.

"By the way, the answer to the incident of Blue Star being attacked by a star beast is that abnormal behavior has been detected, so we should always be vigilant."

This time Blue Star was attacked by star beasts, the higher-ups attached great importance to it. The reason for letting the students leave was to facilitate the people in the military to find clues. In the end, although no clues were found, the word "suspicious" was still stamped on the document. And the superior also ordered that all staff be in the third-level preparation state, and be vigilant and careful at all times.

"Level three preparations?"

Lou Zhanxiao frowned, waved his hand to unfold the star map, and the light screen instantly showed the deep and vast appearance of the universe, dotted with stars one by one, the beauty is extremely dreamy.

The third level of preparations is already a state of full alert, which proves that the situation may become tense at any time.

"Yes, three-level preparations, and the military department has also transferred a small team to be stationed at Blue Star, just in case."

That's why the students were all transferred to Titan Star, Blue Star was no longer safe.

Lou Zhanxiao stared at the star map, found the Titan star and clicked on it. This blue planet, which is similar to the blue star, is covered with a thick atmosphere. He stared at all of this very seriously, and said lightly: "These few days of competition will also be done. The most comprehensive protection."


Nothing is more important than the future of the military, he understands.

The two discussed until midnight before falling asleep, and early the next morning, the final assessment finally came.

Early in the morning, students gathered outside the examination room.

Students from various schools got together, and everyone stood in twos and threes chatting together without queuing up before the teacher came.

Xia Yue'er glanced at the crowd and saw Sheng Jiaxian leaning over: "Cousin!"

"Yue'er is here." Sheng Jiaxian smiled. He liked this cousin very much because she was his aunt's only daughter.

"Cousin, I'm so sorry that you were reprimanded by the teacher yesterday."

Everyone knows what happened in the simulation warehouse last night. Everyone only said that the capital star lost face here, and the one who lost the most was Sheng Jiaxian, because he was the one who provoked it first, and the last two schools also messed up. The match was not happy, and when Sheng Jiaxian returned home, he was severely scolded by Myron.

Because of this, Sheng Jiaxian was always very angry, but Xia Yue'er came to mention this matter again early in the morning, Sheng Jiaxian was naturally very angry, but it was not Yue'er who was wrong, but that bitch!

Thinking that he turned his head on the spot, and sure enough, he saw Xia Xingxi in the crowd. The woman was smiling happily, which made Sheng Jiaxian even more upset.

"Hmph, it's none of your business, it's because some people are too hateful!"

Seeing what her cousin said, Xia Yueer felt relieved. Following Sheng Jiaxian's angry gaze, she could see Xia Xingxi's back. Xia Yueer couldn't help but smile with the corners of her mouth raised, and continued.

"Cousin, our two schools seem to be taking the exam together, you have to work hard."

They took the individual competition with Blue Star's reserve military academy?

Hearing this, Sheng Jiaxian smiled suddenly, and his face became a bit grim: "Oh, Yue'er, you have to work hard!"

As for himself, he will definitely do well, let's work hard!
Seeing that what she wanted to convey had been conveyed, Xia Yue'er turned her head, looked at Xia Xingxi, and walked straight over.

Xia Xingxi, you are so miserable, you were targeted by your cousin when you came up, but you deserve it, you deserve to be the bottom one!
The more Xia Yueer thought about it, the more excited she became. Now she was eager to ridicule Xia Xingxi.

(End of this chapter)

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