Chapter 317

With a smile on her face, Xia Yue'er walked over as before, followed by two unshakable little followers, all three of them had malicious smiles on their faces.

Seeing her approaching, both Li Xiaochen and Martha's faces were not very good-looking. They didn't like Xia Yue'er, because it was definitely not a good thing for her to come.

Li Xiaochen and Martha were extremely vigilant, but Xia Xingxi didn't take it seriously because she didn't pay attention to these people at all.

"Xia Yue'er, it seems that you still deserve a beating, otherwise how could you forget how to call me."

When Xia Xingxi's lazy voice came over, Xia Yue'er was startled, and her face turned pale instantly.

This title is a shame, but she can't say anything, because it is true that Xia Xingxi is older than herself, so she has to call her sister!
But even though she knew she had been humiliated, she still had to grit her teeth and bow her head. Anyway, she had handed it over countless times, so this time is not bad.

So she could only squeeze out a smile and said, "Cousin..."

"Okay, the greeting is over, you can go, don't affect my mood for the exam later!"

Xia Xingxi deliberately waited for her to finish shouting and then waved her hands directly. Xia Yue'er was so angry that she almost couldn't hold back and screamed, what is this, she didn't come here just to say hello! !
"Cousin, how can you treat me like this? Does it mean that even my cousin looks down on me when my dad is arrested?"

Xia Yueer was on the verge of crying, pretending to be pitiful, she was the best at making Cao Miaomiao and Li Wencheng violent on the spot.

"Xia Xingxi, don't you claim to be the most upright? Why, are you turning your face and denying anyone?"

"Hmph, it's all just pretending. Look at her now. She really regards herself as the legitimate heir. She can't look down on the others!"

The two of you spoke to each other with sarcasm, and Martha rolled up her sleeves when she became angry: "I think you guys want to fight, what's the matter, there is no one here to bully us, right?"

Martha is worthy of being a single soldier, her aura is extremely strong, one sentence frightened the two of them into silence, Xia Xingxi turned her head and stared at Xia Yueer coldly, seeing her staring at her with a half smile, she couldn't help it frowned.

"what do you want to say in the end?"


"If it's not nutritious, it's better to just keep your mouth shut."

The cold voice made Xia Yue'er's face darken, she just said: "Cousin, I just want to cheer you on, after all, you have already deducted [-] points this semester, it should be our year's deductions. After all, your entrance score is No. [-] in Blue Star, so you probably won’t give up the No. [-] position in the school to me at the end of the semester, right? After all, you...would you be willing?"

Xia Yue'er deliberately said irony, in fact, she wanted to prove herself, but Xia Xingxi didn't give her a chance at all, tsk, what an annoying bitch.

Xia Yue'er's face was gloomy, but Xia Xingxi chuckled: "Why are you so sure that you can take the first place? Yue'er, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense, otherwise, if the time comes, it will be embarrassing." I!"

This Xia Xingxi! !

Xia Yue'er gritted her teeth, and stared at her intently: "Don't worry, no matter what, the ranking will definitely be better than some people who sleep in class and often skip class!"

Even if she couldn't compete with Xia Xingxi in PK, she boasted that her grades would never lose to a scum who never listened to lectures, absolutely! !
(End of this chapter)

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